Objectives Work cooperatively within groups to… Analyze the issues that frame the current debate on US human rights policy. Integrate the arguments and values of various options into persuasive, coherent presentations. Explore, debate, and evaluate multiple perspectives on US human rights policy.
Warm Up What is the paradox of US human rights policy? So what should US human rights policy look like? Although it’s been a leader in human rights, it sometimes places (poly/econ) self- interest above human rights agreements & standards.
Activity: Debating US Policy Each of the 4 options you will explore today is based on a distinct set of values and beliefs. This activity is designed to help you understand contrasting strategies that people in the US may use to craft policy.
Activity: Debating US Policy Preparation ~45 Min 4 Groups Others form “Committee on Foreign Relations” Read directions Assign roles w/in group Read Option & Complete “Expressing Key Values” Incorporate reading into dvpt of presentation and questions Prep presentation Presentation ~45 Min Rearrange room into four option rows, with Committee at front desk. Each group will present for 3-5 minutes. Complete graphic organizer as groups present. The Committee will ask clarifying questions. Time permitting, groups may ask questions of one another.
Jigsaw: Pair up with one member of each option group as well as a committee member. Using your graphic organizer, debate the merits and tradeoffs of the competing views among your group. Complete “Focusing Your Thoughts” worksheet.
Homework Create a policy option that reflects your own beliefs and opinions about where US policy should be heading. You may borrow from one option, combine ideas or take a new approach all together. You will need to weigh the risks and trade-offs no matter what you decide. Complete the organizer and post a summary version to the wikispace!
Putting your policy to the test Day 8
Warm Up- What were the main concerns addressed by each of the options?
Review How do the options differ in their assumptions of the problems and challenges facing the globe? What is the international image of the US projected in each?
Activity – 4 Square “Focusing Your Thoughts” Worksheet
Activity – Comparing Viewpoints Volunteers to share policy recommendations with the class? What values/beliefs are incorporated? Potential trade-offs? How would US citizens be affected? People outside of the US?
Activity – Testing Your Option Read each case and write your responses based on the policy you formulated. How should the US respond? Consequences? Affect on US? Abroad? Directions:Discussion:
Closure How does US action or inaction set a precedent for future US policy?