1 Press Ctrl-A ©G Dear 2010 – Not to be sold/Free to use Applied Mathematic (Preliminary General 1) Types of Data Types of Graphs Stage 6 - Year 11
2 Different types of data are best displayed on certain types of Graphs. End of Slide Types of Data Numerical Data that is Measureable Eg. Height, Weight, Speed. Categorical Data that is Not Measureable Eg. Colour, Objects,Categories.
3 End of Slide Types of Numerical Data Continuous Can be measured over a continuous range. Discrete Measured as exact values. Eg. Time, Temperature, Weight. Shoe Size. Eg. Cricket Wickets per game,
4 End of Slide Types of Categorical Data Nominal Data has sub-groups. Ordinal Eg. Blonde, Brunette, Red Head. Data is ordered. Eg. Short, Normal, Tall.
5 End of Slide Numerical Continuous Data. Line Graph Area Graph Radar Chart
6 End of Slide Numerical Discrete Data. Column Graph Bar Chart Cone Chart [also Cylinder And pyramid] Histogram
7 Categorical Nominal Data. Pie GraphColumn Graph 3D Pie Graph Doughnut Graph End of Slide
8 Categorical Ordinal Data. Column Graph Bar Chart Cone Chart [also Cylinder And pyramid] End of Slide
9 Expand Button Industry 33% Transport 28% Commercial 18% Residential 21% Drawing a Pie Chart End of Slide
10 Industry 33% Transport 28% Commercial 18% Residential 21% % 0.18 To find the angle, multiply percentage by 360 o 28%0.28x 360 o ≈ 101 o 101 o Commercial =18%x 360 o ≈ 65 o 65 o 0.21Residential =x 360 o ≈ 76 o 76 o 33%Industrial =x 360 o ≈ 119 o 119 o Transport = End of Slide
11 There are 40 students in a class. 12 like football.Soccer 20 like cricket. The rest hate sports. Football = x 360 o = 108 o 108 o Soccer Drawing a Pie Chart End of Slide
12 There are 40 students in a class. 12 like football.Soccer 18 like cricket. The rest hate sports. Cricket = x 360 o = 162 o 108 o Soccer 162 o Cricket Rest Drawing a Pie Chart End of Show