Preparing Students for an Online Learning Community Designing an Effective Online Orientation November 9, 2001
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Seminar Topics What are the differences between the content, process, and timing of online and face-to-face orientation activities? What are the critical components of an online course orientation? How can one assess a student’s completion and understanding of the orientation activities?
Introduction – Who to Orient? First time students First time online students (broad orientation) All online students (course specific orientation)
Introduction – What to Orient? Campus requirements and policies Navigational tools and platform functions Course specific items Campus resources and contacts Requirements for online learning
Introduction – When to Orient? Prior to registration for any course Prior to registration for a particular program At the beginning of a course During a course During the student’s tenure at the institution
Introduction – Where/How to Orient? Distance - Internet In-person (other campus setting) In-person (during course) Distance - Video Distance - Telephone
Activity #1 Differences between Online and F2F Orientation Activities
Discussion topic: Compare and contrast the purposes that a student orientation serves in f2f and online courses. List your top 5 purposes for student orientations in online courses and how those compare or contrast to f2f orientations.
Introduction – Why Orient? Bridge transactional distance Set expectations Build connection/rapport/community Provide information about support services Increase readiness for online learning and course success
Critical Components of an Online Course Orientation – Examples Darton College – Intro to Stats Darton College Houston Com. College – Online course orientations Houston Com. College Grossmont College District – Online learner orientation Grossmont College District UCLA Extension Student Services – Online learner orientation UCLA Extension Student Services
Critical Components of an Online Course Orientation Online Easy to use and access (student tested?) Contains both course specific and general college information Provides information on technical requirements and support
Critical Components of an Online Course Orientation (cont.) Requires use of tools that students will use during the course (platform, chat, discussion board, , etc…) Provides guidance and resources for first-time online students Explains instructor and student roles
Suggested Online Orientation Activities Syllabus quiz Welcome discussion Introductory chat Initial Distance learning discussion Syllabus discussion Resources FAQ Technical support FAQ
Orientation Activities (cont). Visits to campus resource websites followed by discussion Instructor audio introduction Visits to “Netiquette” sites or chat with “mentor” students
Assessment of Orientation Activities Two levels Completion l Formal system statistics l Instructor check in system l Automatic completion receipt Understanding l Rubrics l Orientation “quiz” l Student/instructor interaction
Activity #2 Creating an Online Orientation Activity
Develop an Online Orientation Activity Use the questions on the second page or your packet to help you design and describe an orientation activity for one of your courses.
Wrap-up Workshop evaluation Facilitator contact Company website