AGENDA 1.Welcome. Nick Siedentop, Curriculum Coordinator 2.General Announcements. 3.Scheduling and Registration Procedures. Heather Duncan, Registration Services Supervisor Karla Townley-Tilson, Classroom Scheduling Manager AGENDA 1.Welcome. Nick Siedentop, Curriculum Coordinator 2.General Announcements. 3.Scheduling and Registration Procedures. Heather Duncan, Registration Services Supervisor Karla Townley-Tilson, Classroom Scheduling Manager
UPCOMING MEETINGS Student Services Meetings 2 nd Wednesday of April, August, and December 10:30 – 12:00pm in Toy Lounge NEXT MEETING: Wednesday December 14, 2011 Topics will include 2012 May Graduation Send agenda topic ideas to Student Services Meetings 2 nd Wednesday of April, August, and December 10:30 – 12:00pm in Toy Lounge NEXT MEETING: Wednesday December 14, 2011 Topics will include 2012 May Graduation Send agenda topic ideas to Directors of Undergraduate Studies Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 8:30am Toy Lounge Directors of Undergraduate Studies Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 8:30am Toy Lounge
New Curriculum Proposal Deadline The new deadline is OCTOBER 15. Requests to add or revise an undergraduate curriculum (major, concentration, minor) are made to the Office of Undergraduate Curricula and reviewed by the Administrative Boards. All materials must be submitted by October 15 to be approved, effective with the following fall semester, and included in the next Undergraduate Bulletin. Proposals submitted after October 15 will be reviewed, but may not be included in the next Undergraduate Bulletin. The new deadline is OCTOBER 15. Requests to add or revise an undergraduate curriculum (major, concentration, minor) are made to the Office of Undergraduate Curricula and reviewed by the Administrative Boards. All materials must be submitted by October 15 to be approved, effective with the following fall semester, and included in the next Undergraduate Bulletin. Proposals submitted after October 15 will be reviewed, but may not be included in the next Undergraduate Bulletin.
Undergraduate Bulletin End of August:Directors of Undergraduate Studies receive curriculum memo with an attached course list from the current UGB. Review course inventory and submit any changes in CRAS. Mid-October:UGB Word files go to departments/units with a return date of mid-November. UGB Word files will not include course lists this year. Mid-November:Deadline for Undergraduate Bulletin (UGB) files from departments Mid-January:Last Curriculum Committee meeting for reviewing courses Mid-January: Last Administrative Boards meeting for approving curriculum changes for the UGB February 1:Submit files to Publications Services End of August:Directors of Undergraduate Studies receive curriculum memo with an attached course list from the current UGB. Review course inventory and submit any changes in CRAS. Mid-October:UGB Word files go to departments/units with a return date of mid-November. UGB Word files will not include course lists this year. Mid-November:Deadline for Undergraduate Bulletin (UGB) files from departments Mid-January:Last Curriculum Committee meeting for reviewing courses Mid-January: Last Administrative Boards meeting for approving curriculum changes for the UGB February 1:Submit files to Publications Services
Undergraduate Bulletin Important Reminders: If possible, shorten your introductory section. Heading titles cannot be changed: Introduction Programs of Study Majoring in XX: Bachelor of Science Minoring in XX Honors in XX Special Opportunities in XX Facilities Graduate School and Career Opportunities Contact Information Important Reminders: If possible, shorten your introductory section. Heading titles cannot be changed: Introduction Programs of Study Majoring in XX: Bachelor of Science Minoring in XX Honors in XX Special Opportunities in XX Facilities Graduate School and Career Opportunities Contact Information
Course Changes Submit course changes using the Course Request Approval System (CRAS). Remember to attach a course syllabus! When approved, changes will appear in ConnectCarolina. Course lists in the Undergraduate Bulletin are updated based on ConnectCarolina information. (not the other way around) You can submit course changes at any time, the system does not close. But, submissions entered after October 15 may not be approved in time to be included in the next edition of the Undergraduate Bulletin. Revision requests: the earliest effective date is Fall For questions about the course request approval process, please Anna Kang at Submit course changes using the Course Request Approval System (CRAS). Remember to attach a course syllabus! When approved, changes will appear in ConnectCarolina. Course lists in the Undergraduate Bulletin are updated based on ConnectCarolina information. (not the other way around) You can submit course changes at any time, the system does not close. But, submissions entered after October 15 may not be approved in time to be included in the next edition of the Undergraduate Bulletin. Revision requests: the earliest effective date is Fall For questions about the course request approval process, please Anna Kang at
Transfer Re-Evaluation Process New online form to submit transfer re-evaluation requests. The transfer re-evaluation system gives students the opportunity to have transfer courses re-evaluated for UNC course credit. Incoming transfer students received an with instructions. 1.Students complete the online form 2.Request is sent to the Office of Undergraduate Curricula (OUC) to process 3.OUC sends request to department/unit for review 4.Department evaluates request and sends decision to OUC 5.OUC contacts student and the Office of Admissions To submit request, go to New online form to submit transfer re-evaluation requests. The transfer re-evaluation system gives students the opportunity to have transfer courses re-evaluated for UNC course credit. Incoming transfer students received an with instructions. 1.Students complete the online form 2.Request is sent to the Office of Undergraduate Curricula (OUC) to process 3.OUC sends request to department/unit for review 4.Department evaluates request and sends decision to OUC 5.OUC contacts student and the Office of Admissions To submit request, go to
Grade Roster Report New Public Query has been created to check grade roster status NC_SR_GRADE_ROSTER_STATUS Prompt by academic org and term New Public Query has been created to check grade roster status NC_SR_GRADE_ROSTER_STATUS Prompt by academic org and term
Fall 2011 Only Max Enrollment, Instructors, Reserve Capacities and Notes can be updated at this time. Please call or Classroom Scheduling to make all other changes Department Consent, 2 nd Titles, meeting pattern, building/room Last CTOPS day is August 19 th First Year Student Reserve Capacities will be placed on classes on 8/18 and removed on 8/19 after all seats have been released. Any remaining open seats will then be available for students. Permanent Record of Courses (PRC) Will run in Mid-October After this time you will no longer be able to make any changes to classes including adding Grading Access for instructors. Please check your classes now to ensure that instructors have grading or approval access!
Spring 2012 Course Schedule Maintenance Closed on 8/3 Room Assignments will be completed in Mid-September Already seeing issues with Associated Class Numbers REC numbers not adding up to LEC totals Classes in the 600 range labeled as LEC instead of REC AM/PM issues
Fall 2012 Fall 2011 will roll to Fall 2012 at the end of October What Rolls? Session A Classes OnlyActive Classes Crosslisted informationMeeting Patterns InstructorsClass Notes Reserve Capacities Course Schedule Maintenance will open for 2129 at the beginning of November
Enrollment by Subject New Public Query has been created to check enrollment figures NC_SR_CLASS_ENROLL_BY_SUBJECT Prompt by subject and term New Public Query has been created to check enrollment figures NC_SR_CLASS_ENROLL_BY_SUBJECT Prompt by subject and term
Registrar’s Office New Website! Check out our new website! A few items to point out: Registration area – some “how to register” tools for students and our contact info Courses/Classrooms sections for forms, CSM deadlines and event requests Under Training – look at the Document Repository (from left menu) for some “how to” documents Reports area – Need your major/2 nd major/minor report? Contact the Reporting team at Check out our new website! A few items to point out: Registration area – some “how to register” tools for students and our contact info Courses/Classrooms sections for forms, CSM deadlines and event requests Under Training – look at the Document Repository (from left menu) for some “how to” documents Reports area – Need your major/2 nd major/minor report? Contact the Reporting team at
Fall 2011 – Important Dates August 10 th – last day to waitlist August 11 th – waitlists are purged & distributed by to departments August 12 th - UGRD students’ credit limits are updated to 18 max/12 min August 23 rd – first day of classes! August 29 th - last day for students/departments to add classes online Starting August 30 th – students must obtain instructor initials and signature from Academic Advising September 6 th – last day for students/departments to drop classes online Starting September 7 th – students must obtain a signature from Academic Advising October 17 th – last day for undergraduates to drop classes (no W grade)
“Where did SIS 159 go?” Q: “We used to have this screen in SIS that was a registration audit trail. Do we have something similar in ConnectCarolina?” A: “Yes! Not only do we have something similar, it’s even better! Try the Enrollment Request Search!” Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request Search 1.Use UNCCH in the run control 2.Customize 3.Enter at least two search fields Use this to look at transactions by student, by class, by user, etc… Q: “We used to have this screen in SIS that was a registration audit trail. Do we have something similar in ConnectCarolina?” A: “Yes! Not only do we have something similar, it’s even better! Try the Enrollment Request Search!” Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request Search 1.Use UNCCH in the run control 2.Customize 3.Enter at least two search fields Use this to look at transactions by student, by class, by user, etc…
Questions? Agenda items for next meeting? Nick Siedentop Phone: Nick Siedentop Phone: