Love speaks with a focused heart St. Peter Worship at Key to Life Saturday, October 5 th.


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Presentation transcript:

Love speaks with a focused heart St. Peter Worship at Key to Life Saturday, October 5 th

Welcome to St. Peter! Love speaks with focused heart because Christ’s love and our calling have set our priorities right. You have set your priorities to be in worship today. May the Word and worship bring direction in your life on to the path to heaven!

Welcome to St. Peter! There are friendship registers at the end of each row. Please take a moment to give us your information so that we have a record of your time with us today. Thank you!

For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about St. Peter and its ministry, please talk to a pastor or member after the service.

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Prayer before Worship Lord, you have given us so much, yet we complain and criticize with dissatisfaction. Steer me in the right direction to first thank you for what I have and keep my heart focused on You as the Giver of all good gifts. Bless my worship today. Amen

Please be courteous and silence all pagers and cell phones. Thank you

Trunk or Treat News  Where: Key to Life  When: October 27 th 4pm – 6pm  We are looking for candy donations and people to sign-up their vehicle for the event. There is also a sign-up sheet in the back of church for volunteers to assist with the various aspects of this event.

Fall Campus Clean Up When: October 19th Who: While all members are encouraged to help, Service Team #3 (Dassler-Gruening) has been assigned this responsibility

“Page Flippers”  Monday, October 14 th  7:00pm  Fireside room  “Proof of Heaven”  By Laurie Norlander

Ladies’ Aid  All ladies of St. Peter church are welcome to attend  Thursday, October 10 th  1:00 p.m.  Presentation “WELS Missions in Albania and Bulgaria” by Lynn Drecktrah

Northland High School Fall Pops Concert  Sunday, October 13 th  3:00 p.m.  “Picture This”

Men’s Club Veterans’ Night Monday, September 28 th 6:00 p.m.

Love speaks with a focused heart St. Peter Worship at Key to Life Saturday, October 5 th

Opening Verses Pastor: You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, All: that though he was rich,

Opening Verses Pastor: yet for your sakes he became poor, All: so that you through is poverty might become rich.

Lord, You Love the Cheerful Giver CW # 489

Verse 1: Lord, you love the cheerful giver who with open heart and hand Blesses freely, as a river that refreshes all the land. Grant us, then, the grace of giving with a spirit large and true That our life and all our living we may consecrate to you.

Opening Verses Pastor: Whoever sows generously All: will also reap generously.

Opening Verses Pastor: Yet with our finances we have failed God and the people he has placed around us. For this and all our sins, we humbly bow before God and ask his forgiveness:

Confession of Sin All: Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I am by nature sinful and that I have disobeyed you in my thoughts, words, and actions.

Confession of Sin All: I have done what is evil and failed to do what is good. For this I deserve your punishment, both now and in eternity.

Confession of Sin All: But I am truly sorry for my sins, and trusting in my Savior Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Verse 2: We are yours—your mercy sought us, found us in death’s dreadful way, To the fold in safety brought us, nevermore from you to stray. Your own life was freely given as an off’ring on the cross For each sinner, now forgiven from eternal shame and loss.

(Pastor announces our forgiveness) All: Amen.

Verse 3: Blessed by you with gifts and graces, may we heed your Spirit’s call, Gladly in all times and places give to you who gives us all. You have bought us; now no longer can we claim to be our own; Ever free and ever stronger - we shall serve you, Lord, alone.

Prayer of the Day Pastor: Let us pray. (The pastor says the Prayer of the Day.) All: Amen.

God’s Word to His People 1 Timothy 6:6-16 Avoid false teachers and their love of money

Psalm 41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn and grant us grace to intercede, To know compassion and concern for those in every kind of need, Whose lives are seen as little worth, the poor and helpless of the earth.

Psalm 41 In God alone his people stand, He keeps us in the evil day, Our lives are lived beneath his hand, His blessings lie about our way: In sin or sickness, hear our plea, “O Lord, be merciful to me.”

Psalm 41 And when my days on earth shall end, should foes unite against my name, Or should my own familiar friend our lifelong bond of love disclaim, Should hope decline and courage flee, O Lord, be merciful to me.

Psalm 41 Our God shall not forsake his own—Stronger than death, his boundless grace. When with the saints about his throne pardoned we stand before his face, “Glory to God,” our song be then. “Glory to God! Amen! Amen!”

God’s Word to His People Luke 16:1-13 Manage God’s money shrewdly, in view of eternity

Children’s Message

All Depends On Our Possessing CW# 421 Verses 1-5 Text: Andächtige Haus-Kirche, Nünberg, 1676 Setting: ALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN Tune: Johann Löhner, , alt.

Verse 1: All depends on our possessing God's abundant grace and blessing, Though all earthly wealth depart. They who trust with faith unshaken In their God are not forsaken And e'er keep a dauntless heart.

Verse 2: He who to this day has fed me And to many joys has led me Is and ever shall be mine. He who ever gently schools me, He who daily guides and rules me, Will remain my help divine.

Verse 3: Many spend their lives in fretting Over trifles and in getting Things that have no solid ground. I shall strive to win a treasure That will bring me lasting pleasure And that now is seldom found.

Verse 4: Well he knows what best to grant me; All the longing hopes that haunt me, Joy and sorrow, have their day. I shall doubt his wisdom never-- As God wills, so be it ever-- I to him commit my way.

Verse 5: If on earth my days he lengthen, He my weary soul will strengthen; All my trust in him I place. Earthly wealth is not abiding, Like a stream away is gliding; Safe I anchor in his grace.

“Love Speaks With A FOCUSED Heart!” 1. Love overcomes the love of money 2. Love confesses the One we hold to

Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

Apostles’ Creed All: He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church. the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

In thankfulness for our salvation, we support God’s work with our offerings.

Prayer of the Church

Lord’s Prayer All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.

Lord’s Prayer All: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Lord’s Prayer All: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

Son of God, Eternal Savior CW #492 Verses 1-4 Text: Somerset T. C. Lowry, Setting: LORD, REVIVE US Tune: The Revialist, Troy, NY, 1868

Verse 1: Son of God, eternal Savior, Source of life and truth and grace, Word made flesh, whose birth among us, Honors all our human race, You our head, who, throned in glory, For your own will ever plead: Fill us with your love and pity; Heal our wrongs and help our need.

Verse 2: Come, O Christ, and reign among us, King of love and Prince of Peace; Hush the storm of strife and passion; Bid its cruel discords cease. By your patient years of toiling, By your silent hours of pain, Quench our fevered thirst for pleasure; Stem our selfish greed for gain.

Verse 3: Bind us all as one together In your Church's sacred fold, Weak and healthy, poor and wealthy, Sad and joyful, young and old. Is there want or pain or sorrow? Make us all the burden share. Are there spirits crushed and broken? Teach us, Lord, to soothe their care.

Verse 4: As you, Lord, have lived for others, So may we for others live. Freely have your gifts been granted; Freely may your servants give. Yours the gold and yours the silver, Yours the wealth of land and sea; We but stewards of your bounty Held in solemn trust will be.

Pastor: O Lord God, our heavenly Father, pour out the Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep us strong in your grace and truth, protect and comfort us in all temptation, and bestow on us your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. All: Amen.

God’s Blessing Pastor: Brothers and sisters, go in peace. Live in harmony with one another. Serve the Lord with gladness. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. All: Amen.

Seek Ye First LAPPY p264 Tune & Setting: Karen Lafferty

Verse 1: Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you. Alellu, alleluia.

Verse 2: Ask and it shall be given unto you; Seek and ye shall find; Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Alellu, alleluia.

Verse 3: Man does not live by bread alone But by ev’ry word That proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Alellu, alleluia.

Silent Prayer