Foundations Person of Christ Finished work of Christ Who we are in Christ! Hebrews 6 doctrines
1. Repentance Sinner’s first response to God All commanded to repent Change of mind – inner decision resulting in outward change of direction There will be fruit!
2. Faith Impossible to please God without it Comes by hearing the Word Essential for salvation Way we receive grace
3. Baptisms a) Water Baptism Always follows faith and repentance By immersion Outward and public sign of an inward spiritual reality As soon as practically possible after conversion
3. Baptisms b) In the Holy Spirit Born again – Spirit within, new creation, child of God Baptism in Spirit – outpouring from above, infilling from within, overflow Power for worship and service Speaking in tongues / other gifts
4. Laying on of Hands Point of connection and impartation Healing, baptism in Holy Spirit, imparting of spiritual gifts, commissioning for ministry Real release of power!
5. Resurrection of the Dead Ministry of people being raised Unique resurrection of Jesus Resurrection of believers Spiritually – new birth Physically – at Lord’s return
6. Eternal Judgement Of Believers – of their works Of Unbelievers – of their person Believers will not be subject to judgement of condemnation; unbelievers will
Essentials vs. Non-Essentials
Buzz Group: In the light of what you’ve just heard about the Foundational Doctrines, has one of more challenged you to change something in your Christian walk?
Your Walk With God
1. Personal Walk Passion for Jesus Clean heart – attitude Clean lips – speech Holy lifestyle – sexuality, idols Forgiveness and Deliverance
2. Relationships with Others Love Humility Keeping unity Protecting the Church Honour
3. Family Husbands and wives Unsaved partners Divorce Parents Children Singles
Buzz Group: Share one thing you feel God is speaking to you about in your walk with God, i.e. direction, guidance, personal disciplines etc.