Seaham School of Technology
Did you Know? Seaham is no longer in Special Measures
OFSTED says… The school's capacity for sustained improvement is good!
OFSTED says… The strong determination of the headteacher and his senior and middle leaders has been the main driver for improvement.
OFSTED says… Leaders and managers are determined to continue the momentum of strong and secure improvement seen recently.
OFSTED says… Middle leaders and many teachers display a determination to succeed and have risen to the challenges.
OFSTED says… Learning is well planned
OFSTED says… The specialism is providing opportunities for more practical lessons across subject areas
OFSTED says… Active Learning Days are a feature of the curriculum
OFSTED says… Self-evaluation is accurate and future planning is underpinned by solid evidence and accurate data
OFSTED says… Students are attentive
OFSTED says… Teaching overall is satisfactory but there is an increasing proportion which is good
OFSTED says… Learning has improved because the tasks set in lessons are increasingly better suited to students’ level of ability
OFSTED says… most students achieve in line with expectations, enjoy lessons and get on well with each other and their teachers
OFSTED says… Improving and accurate tracking and assessment data shows that the trend of improvement is set to continue.
OFSTED says… Students feel safe and secure in school
OFSTED says… Students tell of an improvement to behaviour because of the higher expectations set.
OFSTED says… Students understand the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and participate regularly in activities both during the school day and afterwards
OFSTED says… Opportunities for students to take on responsibilities exist
OFSTED says… Opportunities to have an impact on the wider community are developing.
OFSTED says… Students have developed skills that have prepared them satisfactorily for the next stage in their education
OFSTED says… Students are punctual to school and those spoken to have high aspirations for their future.
OFSTED says… there is an increasing proportion of good teaching where expectations and challenge are high
OFSTED says… Carefully constructed activities are well suited to students’ needs and the progress students make against the learning objectives is monitored and assessed at regular intervals
OFSTED says… Most teachers use student data well when planning learning
OFSTED says… The curriculum is satisfactory and generally meets the needs and interests of the students.
OFSTED says… Guidance for further education, training or employment is appropriate and students speak of being well informed about their future options.
OFSTED says… The determination and ambition of senior leaders have got the school ‘back on track’.
OFSTED says… There is a systematic approach to securing better quality teaching through effective monitoring
OFSTED says… The governing body supports the school well
OFSTED says… Safeguarding is good and the training of staff is of high quality
OFSTED says… Community cohesion is promoted soundly
OFSTED says… The school provides satisfactory value for money.
OFSTED says… The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement is good.
OFSTED says… The leadership and management of teaching and learning is good.
OFSTED says… The extent to which pupils feel safe is good.
OFSTED says… The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles is good.
OFSTED says… Overall parents were very supportive of the school and recognised the improvements that were evident
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in Art and Design this was 29% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Art and Design this was 25% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in ICT this was 6% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in ICT this was 23% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-A Grades in DT this was 3% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-C Grades in DT this was 3% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-C Grades in DT this was 3% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in English Literature this was 3% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in English Literature this was 7% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-A Grades in English Language this was ONLY 4% below the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-C Grades in English Language this was ONLY 4% below the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Geography this was 9% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in French this was 20% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in German this was 12% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in German this was 17% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in History this was 3% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students left with A*-C Grades in Mathematics this was ONLY 5% below the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in Other Sciences this was 9% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Other Sciences this was 8% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in PE this was 9% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in PE this was 24% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in RE this was 14% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in RE this was 26% above the national average
Did you know… In subjects at Seaham achieved more than the national average at A*- C
Did you know… In subjects at Seaham achieved more than the national average at A*- A
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in Applied Art and Design Double Award this was 20% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Applied Art and Design Double Award this was 24% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-A Grades in Applied Business Double Award this was 6% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Applied Business Double Award this was 19% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Health and Social Care Double Award this was 6% above the national average
Did you know… In % of Year 11 students entered left with A*-C Grades in Leisure and Tourism Double Award this was 16% above the national average
Did you know… In % of students in Year 11 left with 5A*- G
Did you know… In % of students in Year 11 left with 5A*- C including Functional English and Maths
Did you know… In % of students in Year 11 left with 5A*- C including Functional English and Maths this was 17% above the national average
Did you know… In % of students in Year 11 left with 5A*- C including English and Maths this was in line with the national average
Did you know… In % of students in Year 11 left with 5A*- C this was in line with the national average