Chapter 6 Distributed File Systems
Topics Review of UNIX Sun NFS VFS architecture caching
Layered Structure Directory service Mapping: file name unique file ID Access control File service Mapping: file ID inode File access Block service Block management Device access Directory File service Block service
Hierarchical Directory Systems A general hierarchy: a tree of directories root directory file directory file User directory
File System Layout Disk is divided up into several partitions Each partition has one file system MBR – master boot record boot the computer & contain the partition table Partition table Starting & ending addresses of each partition One partition is marked as active Within each partition Boot block – first block, a program loads the OS Superblock – key parameters about the file sys. MBR Partition 1Partition 2Partition 3Partition 4 Boot block Super blockFree space mgmtI-nodesRoot dirFiles and directories
Implementing Files Key issue: how to keep track of which disk sectors go with which file? E.g., block size= 512B, file size=2014B, so where are these 2014/514=4 blocks on disk? Many methods Contiguous allocation Linked list allocation I-nodes Each one has its own pros and cons
Index Nodes (i-nodes) An i-node lists the attributes and disk addresses of the file’s blocks Only when a file is open, its i-nodes should be loaded into memory Much smaller than FAT Irrelevant to size of disk File attributes Address of disk block 0 Address of disk block 1 Address of disk block 2 Address of disk block 3 Address of block of pointers Disk block containing additional disk addresses
i-node and 3-level index K pointers 4 KB i-node
Managing open files in File Service layer Parent’s OFT Child’s OFT System OFT (stores position pointers) In-core inode table inode data Kernel-resident Disk-resident Swappable per process OFT: Open File Table (one entry per open) 1 1 2
Implementing Directories Directory system: map the ASCII file name onto the info needed to locate the data Directory entry Where are the attributes stored? In the directory entry (MS-DOS/Windows) In the i-nodes (UNIX) GamesAttributes MailAttributes NewsAttributes WorkAttributes DOS/Windows Games Mail News Work File attributes Address of disk block 0 Address of disk block 1 … i-node UNIX
Implementing Directories: Example... foo bin foo bin usr vmunix 4 2 local Hello world! /usr/bin Lnk_cnt=2 Lnk_cnt=1 5 VMUNIX 5
Locate A File: /usr/ast/mbox bin 7dev 14lib 9etc 6usr 8tmp Attr. 132 … dick 30erik 51jim 26ast 45bal Attr. 406 … grants 92books 60mbox 81simix 17src root I-node 6 is for /usr Block 132 is /usr dir. I-node 26 is for /usr/ast Block 406 is /usr/ast dir. Looking up usr yields i- node 6 /usr is in block 132 /usr/ast is i-node 26 /usr/ast is in block 406 /usr/ast/mbox is i-node 60
How to Share A File? If directory entry has addresses of blocks How about new appended blocks? Addresses of Disk blocks stored separately UNIX i-node approach Symbolic linking: create a link file containing the path name Dir A Dir BDir C File 1 Directory entry contains disk address Dir A Dir BDir C File 1 i- node Dir A Dir BDir C File 1 Link file../Dir C/File1 Symbolic linking
Caching Reserve a set of blocks in main memory as disk sectors cache How cache works? Maintenance of the cache Like page replacement: FIFO, LRU, etc. Hash table Front (LRU) Rear (MRL)
Write Important Blocks Back First Write critical blocks back to disk immediately after they are updated (write-through) Reduce the probability of inconsistency greatly Write-through cache: modified blocks are written back immediately Compared to delayed-write Don’t keep data blocks in memory for too long Force synchronization periodically (per 30 sec)
Block Read Ahead If a file is read sequentially, read block (k+1) when block k is in used by a process If a file is randomly accessed, read ahead wastes bandwidth Detect the access patterns for open files Switch between read ahead or not according to current pattern Q: how to use it on stateless or stateful servers?
Mapping file systems to physical devices
Mounting bin etc usr cc date sh passwd getty bin src include yacc ban awk uts stdio.h / / Root file system /dev/sd0g Mount point
man mount Mount attaches a file system to the file system hierarchy at the mount_point, which is the pathname of a directory. If mount_point has any contents prior to the mount operation, these are hidden until the file system is unmounted. The table of currently mounted file systems can be found by examining the mounted file system information file. This is provided by a file system that is usually mounted on /etc/mnttab.
NFS Architecture
Stateless File Server Robust in the face of failures, but Not all operations are idempotent Like lock operation Longer messages Longer processing time
Transparency Location transparency Path name (i.e. full name of file) does not say where the file is located. Location Independence Path name is independent of the server. Hence you can move a file from server to server without changing its name. Have a namespace of files and then have some (dynamically) assigned to certain servers. This namespace would be the same on all machines in the system. Root transparency made up name / is the same on all systems This would ruin some conventions like /tmp
NFS Protocols Mounting Analyze the pathname Request & store file handler Static & auto mounting Directory and file access Support most UNIX calls No support for open() and close()
VFS/v-node Architecture Motivation: share a common file server by an arbitrary collection of clients and servers Require a file-system independent framework for file access v-node (virtual i-node): for every open file in the VFS layer Check if a directory or file is local Contain a pointer pointing to an r-node (remote i-node) in NFS client VFS: represent any file system Well-defined interface One for each file system
Virtual File System
v-node Data fields (struct v-node) Methods (struct vnodeops) vop_open vop_lookup vop_read vop_mkdir vop_getaddr … v_flag v_count v_type v_vfsmountedhere … v_data v_op r-node FS-independent part Interface definition FS-dependent implementation of vnodeops (Shared among Unix vnodes)c
Data fields (struct vfs) Methods (struct vfsops) vfs_mount vfs_root vfs_unmount vfs_sync vfs_statvfs … vfs_next vfs_fstype vfs_vnodecoverd … vfs_data vfs_op FS-dependent implementation of vfsops FS-dependent data FS-independent part Interface definition VFS implementation
Struct vfs instance vfs_data vfs_ops vfs_next: pointer to the next FS mounted vfs_fstype: ufs, nfs, ext2fs, etc.
Mounting rootvfs Root file system Mounted file system vfs //usr / vnode ROOT belongs to mounted here vnode covers v-nodes for mounted-on directories are kept in main memory.
Implementation Server: export one or more of its directories for access by remote clients /etc/exports file, e.g., /usr/local –access=hostA:hostB /usr/bin –ro Client: mount the exported directories Become part of its directory No difference between a local file or a remote file Two clients can communicate by sharing files in their common directories.
Mount A Remote File System Call mount program, specify the remote directory and local mount point. E.g., mount -t msdos /dev/ad0s1 /mnt/windows E.g., mount indus:/usr/src /usr/src Parse the name and find the server Contact the server Receive the file handler Create a v-node for the remote directory in vfs layer Create a r-node in NFS client, pointed by the v-node
Mount (1) Mounting (part of) a remote file system in NFS.
Mount (2) Mounting nested directories from multiple servers in NFS.
Automounting (1) ps -fe | grep automount
Automounting (2) Using symbolic links with automounting. Can also be used with file replication.
Open A Remote File Parse the file name Get the v-node and r-node of the mounted file system Ask NFS client to open the file Contact server and get the file handler for the opened file NFS client creates an r-node for the file vfs creates a v-node for the file
File Attributes (1) AttributeDescription TYPEThe type of the file (regular, directory, symbolic link) SIZEThe length of the file in bytes CHANGE Indicator for a client to see if and/or when the file has changed FSIDServer-unique identifier of the file's file system Some general mandatory file attributes in NFS.
File Attributes (2) AttributeDescription ACLan access control list associated with the file FILEHANDLEThe server-provided file handle of this file FILEIDA file-system unique identifier for this file FS_LOCATIONSLocations in the network where this file system may be found OWNERThe character-string name of the file's owner TIME_ACCESSTime when the file data were last accessed TIME_MODIFYTime when the file data were last modified TIME_CREATETime when the file was created Some general recommended file attributes.
Semantics of File Sharing (1) a) On a single processor, when a read follows a write, the value returned by the read is the value just written. b) In a distributed system with caching, obsolete values may be returned.
Semantics of File Sharing (2) MethodComment UNIX semanticsEvery operation on a file is instantly visible to all processes Session semantics No changes are visible to other processes until the file is closed Immutable filesNo updates are possible; simplifies sharing and replication TransactionAll changes occur atomically Modified session semantics: changes to an open file are initially visible only to the processes on the same machine. Upon closed, the changes are visible to other machines.
UNIX Semantic Probably Unix doesn't quite do this. If a write is large (several blocks) do seeks for each During a seek, the process sleeps (in the kernel) Another process can be writing a range of blocks that intersects the blocks for the first write. The result could be (depending on disk scheduling) that the result does not have a last write. Perhaps Unix semantics means - A read returns the value stored by the last write providing one exists.
File Locking in NFS OperationDescription LockCreates a lock for a range of bytes LocktTest whether a conflicting lock has been granted LockuRemove a lock from a range of bytes RenewRenew the lease on a specified lock More complicated with file replication.
Client Caching (1) Q: where to put the cache? a) user space b) kernel space
Client Caching (2) Using the NFS version 4 callback mechanism to recall file delegation.
Lease When a client wants a file, the server gives a lease on it that specifies how long the copy is valid Client renew the lease before it expires No message sent when a lease expires How about client crash? How about server crash? Lease time and reboot time
Cache Management Algorithms Write troughWorks, but heavy network traffic Delayed writeBetter performance but possibly ambiguous semantics Write on closeMatches session semantics Centralized control UNIX semantics, but not robust and scales poorly
General Principles for DS Proposed by Satyanarayanan Clients have cycles to burn Cache whenever possible Exploit the usage properties Minimize system-wide knowledge and change Trust the fewest possible entities Batch work where possible
Possible Trends Main memory file system Fiber optic network Effects on cache Mobile users Disconnection Geographic location Multimedia application VOD