AY202a Galaxies & Dynamics Lecture 17: Galaxy Groups & Clusters continued
And V = | V 1 - V 2 | < V lim (V 1,V 2,m 1,m 2 ) with two choices, either fix V or scale it as D. Then select D lim and V lim as needed for the sample you have. RSA Sample
2MRS Sample (raw)
2MRS Sample (filled )
2MRS Selection Function
2MRS Group Selection Number of groups found f
2MRS Groups
3 largest 2MRS Groups Virgo, Fornax/Eridanus, Perseus-Pisces / =12 80
2MRS Group Mass Function
2MASS Galaxy Groups δρ/ρ = 12 δρ/ρ = σ P (km/s) R PV (Mpc) log M V /L K Log M P /L K Ω M,V 0.14+/ /-0.02 Ω M,P 0.23+/ / V=Virial Estimator P = Projected Mass
# Density versus redshift for various group surveys:
Cluster Classification Just like galaxies, clusters classified morphologically. Overall Compact Medium Compact Open Linear Bautz Morgan classes I, I-II, II, II-III, III based on the ratio between the brightness of 1st and rest I -- single central cD galaxy c.f. A2029 II -- intermediate III -- no dominant cluster galaxy c.f. Hercules
Rood-Sastry cD -- like BM I types B -- Binary c.f. Coma L -- Linear C -- Core Compact F -- Flat I -- Irregular Tuning Forks Rood-Sastry cD -- B Struble & Rood I -- F B -- cD L -- F C -- I L C
Sky Distribution of Abell Clusters < z < 0.83
Optical Substructure (Geller & Beers ’82)
Cluster Morphology Irregular A1367 A262 Regular A2256 A85 (Jones & Forman ’84)
A2029 A2142 Hydra
Perrseus A. Fabian
Physics of Galaxy Clusters To 0th order, assume spherical, decreasing density from the center. If n(r) is the 3-D number density, the projected density, N(R), is N(R) = n[(R 2 +z 2 ) ½ ] dz = 2 where z is the coordinate along the l.o.s. and R is the projected radius ∞ -∞ r n(r) dr (r 2 – R 2 ) ½ ∞R∞R
Hydrostatic Equilibrium Good basic model for the hot gas is to assume Hydrostatic Equilibrium dP g /dr = - g GM(r)/r 2 P = where g means gas = + differentiating the gas law { + } = - g GM(r)/r 2 M(r) = { + } kT m p dP g d g kT g k dT dr dr m p m p dr k T d g g dT m p dr dr - rT d ln g d ln T G m p d ln r d ln r density & temperature gradients
You can also treat the galaxies this way, just as a “gas” of much more massive particles = gal P gal = 1/3 gal = n k Tgal = and we can compare the gas and galaxy distributions since they are living in the same potential. dP gal GM dr r 2 dP gal kT gas 1 d gas 3 gal dr m p gas dr
We can write for the relative density relations ( ) = ( ) β where β = = This is known as the Beta Model. If β = 1, gas and galaxies have the same distribution. Generally β 1 I X (r) [ 1 + (b/r c ) 2 ] -3β + 1/2 gas gal 0,gas 0,gal m p m p 2 los 3 k T kT X-ray surface intensity and r c = optical galaxy core radius
Other Dynamical Quantities Crossing Time t cross ~ R/ ~ 2 x 10 9 yr for R=R A and H=70 Dynamical relaxation (Virialization) takes places on timescales of the crossing time, so (1) clusters are generally relaxed, and the centers of the clusters relax first Two-Body Relaxation time is long in clusters t relax ~ t cross (N / ln N) so cluster galaxies are not in “thermal” equilibrium
X-ray Emission Spectrum of x-ray gas is optically thin thermal bremhmmsstrahlung (free-free emission) plus emission lines
X-ray emission from Coma. ROSAT (left) and XMM (right). Note structure in the images.
Bremsstrahlung emissivity = ε υ = ( ) ½ e -hυ/kT g ff (T,υ) where n e and n i are the number density of electrons and ions, Z is the ion charge and g ff is the Gaunt factor. Flat then exponentially decreasing. Typical x-ray temperatures are ~ 50 million degrees or kT = 5 kev For a thermal pasma of solar abundance, bremsstrahlung alone gives e ff 3.0 x (T / 1K) ½ (n e / 1 cm -3 ) 2 erg cm -3 s Z 2 e 6 n e n i 2 3 m e c 3 3kT m e
When line emission is included: ε total 6.2 x (T / 1K) ½ (n e / 1 cm -3 ) 2 erg cm -3 s -1
Use X-ray features to study Chemistry (c.f. Mushotzsky)
A Case Study - The Virgo Cluster Assume D = 16 Mpc (HST Key Project) Zw-B(0) magnitudes 6 o Core v = 716 km/s r H ~ 0.8 Mpc M P ~ 8 x M M/L B ~ 750 (M/L) But (1) substructure exists, (2) there is at least one background group contaminating at 2200 km/s (Virgo W), and (3) Spirals avoid the center and appear to be infalling.
Virgo Cluster Markarian’s Chain
Bohringer et al.
X-ray map with contours
First problem is to find where the cluster really is: JH85 from CfA survey, luminosity weighted center of all galaxies with v < 3000 km/s, m 14.5 error ~ 3’ --- iterate on sample Isopleths in the Zwicky catalog
All known velocities in the 6 degree radius circle. Virgo Great Wall Background Cl.
Spirals and Ellipticals are not in the same place in the cluster --- Spirals avoid the center.
Virgo Surface Density A hole around M87! How much of this is just due to the Spirals?
Velocity Histogram by Type E’s look Gaussian S’s are flat
Cluster Infall JH ‘85