Welcome HIS 102 American History II Instructor: Alan Beam HIS 102 American History II Instructor: Alan Beam
Five Year Retirement / Little Rusty / Wanting to work with new technologies / Try a few instructional practices / Little Rusty / Wanting to work with new technologies / Try a few instructional practices
American History II / Dates June 7th - July 28th / Tuesday & Thursday / 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. / Will miss a few dates due to earlier scheduled events / Dates June 7th - July 28th / Tuesday & Thursday / 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. / Will miss a few dates due to earlier scheduled events
Moodle / Internet home? / Highland lab open / Regular classroom site used for: / Additional resources / On-line Test / Missed class (instructor or student) / Instructional material / Testing material / Internet home? / Highland lab open / Regular classroom site used for: / Additional resources / On-line Test / Missed class (instructor or student) / Instructional material / Testing material
Moodle / Setup accounts … Highland Lab / / Or and click on Moodle linkhttp:// / Setup accounts … Highland Lab / / Or and click on Moodle linkhttp://
Grading for Class / Each Unit will have an on-line test / Take at end of class, prior to the next class or by a set time. / 90% of your grade for that unit. / 10% Optional Essay / Homework - NOT required but extra credit can be earned. / Possible 10 extra credit / Thread Discussions worth 15 points / Each Unit will have an on-line test / Take at end of class, prior to the next class or by a set time. / 90% of your grade for that unit. / 10% Optional Essay / Homework - NOT required but extra credit can be earned. / Possible 10 extra credit / Thread Discussions worth 15 points
Regular Class / Some reading before class may be required / Information presented in lecture form / Classroom activities to reinforce the lessons / Time to take test over material covered in the evening on-line or time to use the on-line practice test to prepare for test / Some reading before class may be required / Information presented in lecture form / Classroom activities to reinforce the lessons / Time to take test over material covered in the evening on-line or time to use the on-line practice test to prepare for test
On-line Class / Remember this class should equal 3 hours of class time. / Reading required / Required on-line activities / Required on-test / Student may choose to do the practice test on their own / Additional time will be given to complete this work / Due date will be expanded / On-line class when instructor is gone or should a student miss class they will be required to make up the work using the on-line format / Remember this class should equal 3 hours of class time. / Reading required / Required on-line activities / Required on-test / Student may choose to do the practice test on their own / Additional time will be given to complete this work / Due date will be expanded / On-line class when instructor is gone or should a student miss class they will be required to make up the work using the on-line format
Questions / About Class / On-line / Grading Policy / Other / About Class / On-line / Grading Policy / Other
Why Study History / So history won’t repeat itself / Well we as a people have learn our lessons poorly / History will repeat itself / So better understand the future / So history won’t repeat itself / Well we as a people have learn our lessons poorly / History will repeat itself / So better understand the future
The answer given most often …. we have to. Yet we study history for a variety of reasons--to understand people who thought and acted differently than we do in our own time, to seek self knowledge, to make sense of a time radically different from our own time, to find a sense of distance from the present to aid us in placing our own times in perspective, to help us understand how we got to where we are now, and a whole host of other reasons. One of the many things we learn about the human condition through the study of the past is the very contingency of human society, how little human life is predetermined and how much people actively have shaped times passed.
/ Perhaps the best explanation for studying history was given by the blind Czech historian Milan Hubl to the novelist Milan Kundera: / "The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster." / Perhaps the best explanation for studying history was given by the blind Czech historian Milan Hubl to the novelist Milan Kundera: / "The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history, Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster."
History / In the Eye of the Story Teller / Textbook …. Already found it pro-north (soften issues) / Instructor … Who knows :) / Even dates and events maybe different / Example …Holocaust - 1 in 9 Italians between it’s a Jewish invention / / In the Eye of the Story Teller / Textbook …. Already found it pro-north (soften issues) / Instructor … Who knows :) / Even dates and events maybe different / Example …Holocaust - 1 in 9 Italians between it’s a Jewish invention /
Challenge / The story teller / The resource / Make sure to study an issue from several sides / Media … don’t watch one news station, read one type of magazine, listen to one radio station / The story teller / The resource / Make sure to study an issue from several sides / Media … don’t watch one news station, read one type of magazine, listen to one radio station
EVENTS / Cause and Effect … Change of reaction / Every event has this impact / Some have even greater impact / Huge Event / September 11th / Small as a simple as a word or sentence / Reagan …” test … I just ordered the bombing of Moscow” / Cause and Effect … Change of reaction / Every event has this impact / Some have even greater impact / Huge Event / September 11th / Small as a simple as a word or sentence / Reagan …” test … I just ordered the bombing of Moscow”
Starting Point for this Course / Huge Event… / The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln / By the way after tonight you may not agree with the textbook … pg 421 / “The murder was part of a complicated plot organized by die-hard pro-southerners. “ DUH / A northern view??? / Huge Event… / The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln / By the way after tonight you may not agree with the textbook … pg 421 / “The murder was part of a complicated plot organized by die-hard pro-southerners. “ DUH / A northern view???