Hinduism Learning Goals: I will understand the historical foundation of Hinduism I will understand the Hindu concept of “God” I will understand the Four 4’s of Hinduism 4 Main Beliefs (Dharma, Karma, Samsara, Moksha) 4 Aims of Life (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha) 4 Stages of Life (Student, Householder, Forest Dweller/Retirement, Acetic/Renouncer) 4 Paths/Yogas (Jnana Yoga- Path of Knowledge, Karma Yoga- Path of Duty, Bhakti Yoga- Path of Love/Devotion, Raja Yoga- Path of Discipline) Crash Course: Personal Account of Faith:
Hinduism Learning Goal: I will understand the Four 4’s of Hinduism 4 Main Beliefs 1)Dharma 2)Karma 3)Samsara/reincarnation 4)Moksha
Hinduism Learning Goal: I will understand the Four 4’s of Hinduism 4 Aims of Life 1)Dharma 2)Artha 3)Kama 4)Moksha
Hinduism Learning Goal: I will understand the Four 4’s of Hinduism 4 Stages of Life 1)Student 2)Householder 3)Forest Dweller/Retirement 4)Ascetic/Sannyasin
Hinduism Learning Goal: I will understand the Four 4’s of Hinduism 4 Paths/Yogas 1)Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge) 2)Karma Yoga (Path of Duty) 3)Bhakti Yoga (Path of Love or Devotion) 4)Raja Yoga (Path of Discipline)
If I’m not available to lecture: Independent Text Work: Using the Orange Textbook, complete the following work listed below: Silently Read Answer 1-3 (p.120) Explain the concepts: “Atman” “Dharma”, “Samsara/Reincarnation”, “Karma”, and “Moksha” found on p List and Summarize each of the 4 paths to Salvation (p ) List and Summarize each of the 4 stages of Life (p.126) List and Summarize each of the 4 Aims of Life (p.126) Silently Read Answer # 1 (p. 132) and explain the significance of the Ganges River Answer #1 (p.133) Answer 1-3 (p.135) Hinduism
Learning Goal: I will understand the function and history of the Caste System in India I will understand the role of Gandhi as a person of good character who opposed the Caste System 1 st Video: Hindu Caste System 2 nd Video: The Untouchables (A Documentary on the lowest caste in the system)
Hinduism Learning Goals: I will understand the significance of the Sacred Ganges River Documentary
Learning Goal: I will have an understanding of the Hindu Trinity and other gods/goddesses in the Hindu tradition. 1) Lecture 2) Hindu Trinity Children’s Video: 3) Independent Work (Blue Textbook) Read Describe each of the gods in the Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu) Copy out the chart on p. 247 Orange Textbook Read Answer: # 1and 4 (136) Read (answer # 1) Read Answer #1 (p.140) Read Blue Textbook Read Answer: #1-4 (p.256)
Hinduism The OM (“Aum__”) Meditation The most sacred sound and the most sacred prayer. Chanting OM is said to enable an individual to undergo a transformation of conciousness. (We can return to our centre, feel harmony, and peace) OM is sometimes called the 4 Syllable Sound “A”- Waking conciousness “U”- Dream Conciousness “M”- Dreamless Sleep __ The silent Syllable
Hinduism Rituals/Festivals and Milestones Orange Text Book- Read Answer: #1 (p.133) #1 and 4 (p.136), #1 a and b (p.140)
Hinduism Arranged Marriages