Tacis IBPP IBPP Tacis IBPP I nstitution B uilding P artnership P rogramme Support to Civil Society and Local Initiatives EuropeAid Co-operation Office Brussels
The programme within Tacis It belongs to the group of small projects Budget allocations part of National Action Programmes
Background about 600 organisations and authorities have been involved through partnerships many more through networking activities Tacis Lien Programme Tacis City Twinning Programme
General Conditions Partnerships : NGOs Not-for-profit professional organisations Local and regional authorities
General Conditions Nature of activity : Not-for-profit making Concrete objective to be implemented in Tacis country Joint implementation Reinforcement of the Tacis partner organisation/authority Sustainability of results
General Conditions Applications : Annual Call for Proposals Period between deadline for submissions and contracting +/- 6 months
Topics that could be supported Public administration Reform Economic Development Social Issues Urban Management Environmental Issues
Specific Conditions 80 % or max. € min. € max. € EC Co-financing :
Specific Conditions Project duration : months At least 1 EU or Phare and 1 Tacis partner Any partner can be applicant Other partners possible Implementation only 1 Tacis country Project Implementation :
Eligible Activities On-site training Training in EU country Work placements, study visits Seminars, workshops, conferences Publications Awareness raising campaigns Purchase of equipment essential for project implementation A mixture of : Transfer of know-how
Eligible Costs Staff costs Travel costs Living expenses Services such as rent of office (corresponding to market rates) Purchase of equipment necessary for project implementation Costs of consumables and supplies...
Eligible Costs Subcontracting of specific, limited parts Dissemination of information Evaluation, audit Translation... 7 % of the total amount of eligible direct costs are eligible as indirect costs (overheads = lump sum)
Budget allocations Call for Proposal 2003 The next Call for Proposal, which will most likely be published towards the end of the year 2003, will cover the following countries : Russia Ukraine Moldova Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tadjikistan Uzbekistan The exact budget allocations are being decided at the moment. However they should remain stable.
Statistics IBPP 2001 Call for Proposals (The allocations from the budgets 2000 and 2001 were merged in this Call for Proposals.) A total of 267 applications were submitted out of which 74 were selected for funding
Statistics Table 1 : Funds available
Statistics Table 2 : Submitted/selected proposals per Tacis Country
Statistics Table 3 : Submitted/Selected proposals per EU country
* Some proposals include more than one Eu partner. Therefore the total number is higher than the total amounts of submitted and selected proposals. The selected proposals include one UK-Dutch-Ukrainian project and one Finnish-Irish-Russian one. Statistics
Statistics Table 4 : Submitted proposals per partnership category
Statistics Table 5 : Submitted proposals per area of activity
Further Information IBPP WEBSITE : Partner Search Facility Publication of the Call for Proposals (including FAQs and announcement of information afternoon) : Tick : Tacis - Open / Closed - Grants - all - all - submit