HEIS contribution under tasks 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 of ADRICOSM-EXT (ADRIatic sea integrated COastal areaS and river basin Management system pilot project - EXTension) Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT Igor Palandzic Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo Stjepana Tomica Sarajevo, B&H Tel/fax:
ADRICOSM-EXT WP1: Enhancement of ADRICOSM observational and modeling network Task 1.1: Continuation and improvement of the NRT system for the remotely sensed data Subtask 1.1.1: SST Subtask 1.1.2: Ocean Color Training were organized at Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - sezione di Roma during October 2006 Trained person, Branko Vučijak, HEIS Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT Following general topics were addressed: Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature satellite remote sensing Satellite data retrieval, image processing and analysis tools Hands on computer class with Adriatic Sea specific applications Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT Outline of topics Brief introduction to fundamentals of satellite oceanography: Introduction on remote sensing Sensors for observing the ocean Ocean properties measurable form above Seeing through the atmosphere Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT Outline of topics Processing satellite data for ocean applications Digital images of the ocean Data in digital image form Software and systems for handling image data Data processing to recover ocean information Atmospheric correction principles Positional registration Geophysical product derivation Image resampling onto map projections Image processing tasks for ocean data-sets Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT Outline of topics Ocean remote sensing techniques Ocean colour remote sensing (SeaWiFS-MODIS) Optical theory for ocean colour remote sensing Recovering useful information from ocean colour Satellite Sensors for ocean colour measurements: SeaWiFS and MODIS Infrared (IR) measurement of sea surface temperature (SST) Retrieving SST IR data Interpreting SST IR radiomenters: AVHRR and MODIS Oceanographic applications of IR SST data Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT More specific computer class training related to: Ocean colour Modis and SeaWiFS data search and retrieval Data processing (SeaDAS, HDFLook software utilization) Image Analysis (SeaDAS and ENVI software utilization) Sea Surface Temperature AVHRR image analysis Modis SST data search and retrieval. Image analysis. Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT WP1: Enhancement of ADRICOSM observational and modeling network Task 1.3: Implementation of new CTD coastal networks and monitoring stations. Subtask 1.3.2: Extending the measurements area for CTD and inclusion of optical parameters Task 1.5 Introduction of new measurements in existing observational areas for training purposes Subtask 1.5.1: Add new ADCP on board of two of the four major ADRICOSM CTD network vessels. Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006
ADRICOSM-EXT WP1: Enhancement of ADRICOSM observational and modeling network Technical workshop in Cesenatico on May 8th/9th 2006 IOF and HEIS Sarajevo defined protocols for CTD data collection and validation in Vis-Peljesac-Drvenik region. July – first cruise Introduction with equipment September – second cruise Data analyses Roma, Italy, November 20-21, 2006