IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.1 Research Planning and Decision Making Concurrent Session Thursday, January 8, 2009, 2:00-3:15 p.m. Directors will share how they handle a variety of research- related planning and decision making activities, including: how to develop short and longer term research agendas; how to manage a center's research portfolio; how and when to phase out projects and thrust areas; and how to promote effective "team science" across sites Facilitator: Bruce Thompson, Director, Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE), Iowa State University Rich Haber, Co-Director, Ceramic and Composite Materials Center (CCMC), Rutgers University Alan Greenberg, Director, Membrane Applied Science and Technology (MAST) Center, University of Colorado at Boulder Jay Lee, Director, Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), University of Cincinnati
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.2 Agenda 2:00 pmIntroduction (Thompson) 2:05Panelist Overviews of Center Strategies for Research Planning and Decision Making (Lee, Greenberg, Haber) 2:35Open Discussion of Strategy and Tactics Questions (Moderated by Thompson) 3:15Adjourn
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.3 Possible Topics for Discussion Research Planning and Decision Making Break Out Thursday, January 8, 2009, 2:00-3:15 pm
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.4 Updating the Research Vision The formation of an I/UCRC is a consequence of the research vision of the founders. However, the center's research agenda needs to be refreshed periodically. How does your center engage in longer term research planning, like whether to add to or significantly change the current research agenda and/or where the research agenda should be going in the next 3-5 years? What role does the IAB play in this process? Issues might include Defining a long term strategic vision Measuring success against that vision Evolving that vision as the center and its associated technology matures and success is achieved
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.5 Research Planning Within that Vision How does your center engage in shorter term research planning? Specifically, how does your center insure that the next set of research projects proposed are responsive to your IAB's needs and interests? Issues might include Identifying members’ technical needs Identifying investigators’ interests/capabilities Developing proposals for candidate tasks Selecting specific tasks that balance members’ needs and investigators’ interests/capabilities Factors to be considered include Short term payoff versus long term foundations High risk, “quantum jump,” technology versus steady, more incremental advances Quick wins versus home runs Marketplace needs versus technology capabilities
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.6 Research Planning Within that Vision Has your center decided to phase out or end research foci or thrusts (rather than a specific project)? If so, how was this decided and managed? Issues might include Reiterating the initial vision Assessing the degree of success and whether further research would have diminishing returns Factors in these discussions might be concerned with whether the initial thrust was aimed at Short term payoff versus long term foundations High risk, “quantum jump,” technology versus steady, more incremental advances Quick wins versus home runs Marketplace needs versus technology capabilities
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.7 Research Planning Within that Vision To what extent does your center actively engage in portfolio management in the sense of trying to insure that there is some balance across several core research thrusts? How is this done? Issues might include Assessing the degree to which individual members are served by the core research thrusts Determining how to handle thrusts that are passionately supported by just a few companies as compared to thrusts that are more generally supported but with less intensity
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.8 Managing a Center’s Research Portfolio One of the factors that has been identified as being most influential in causing a company to retain membership over an extended period of time is the degree to which they spend funds, beyond the membership fee, to extract corporate value from the generic, pre-competitive research done within the I/UCRC. Are there particular strategies that you employ to engage sponsors more actively in the thrusts/projects. Issues might include Actively engaging the IAB members in the research planning more frequently than at the semi-annual meeting Engaging the members in aspects of the technical work Seeking additional funds to carry the work further
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.9 Managing a Center’s Research Portfolio Many federal agencies are hyping what they call "team science", multidisciplinary teams of investigators. To what extent does your center engage in team science and, if so, how do you promote larger multi-investigator projects like this? Issues might include Promoting team science within a given institution Promoting team science across sites Protecting the assistance professor who needs to show individual strength to secure tenure
IUCRC Panel_1/08/09 at 2-3:15 p.m.10 Managing a Center’s Research Portfolio Does your center do anything special to get value out of the "LIFE forms" evaluation process? Do you have any suggestion related to research planning and decision making to help weather the economic downturn?