R15901: airborne wind energy plane Voice of the Customer R15901: airborne wind energy plane
Background Airborne wind energy planes are designed to simulate the tip of the conventional wind turbine blade Operate at higher altitudes than conventional wind turbines Multiple methods to harness the energy Tether reel system Turbines on-board the plane conducted through tether Figure 1: Diagram showing swept areas of a conventional horizontal axis wind turbine(HAWT) and an tethered airfoil system.
Current State of the Art in Industry Makani Uses on-board turbines with electrified tether Most recent model generates 600 kW of power Fully autonomous vertical circular flight path Flies at an altitude of 140 m -310 m Ampyx Uses reel system to generate electricity Fully autonomous infinity-shaped flight path Flies at an altitude of 300 m – 600 m http://plates55.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/mak_slide1_x900.jpg http://http://www.ampyxpower.com/OurTechnology.html
Current State of the Art in MSD P14462 Designed a Base Station Provided tether connection point Collected tether tension and position data of the plane Used a bought plane 3-point bridle system Achieved 3-5 continuous vertical circles P15462 Designed a plane Designed to perform continuous vertical circles Using a 1-point bridle system Implementing previous Base Station for DAQ Currently manufacturing and assembling plane
Objectives for Continuation Goals: Design an airborne wind energy system that implements a continuous horizontal circular flight path. Implement a tether control system to perform reeling of the tether in flight. Collect position, orientation, and tether tension as a function of time of the plane in flight. Stakeholders Dr. Gomes Professor Hanzlik P15462 MSD Office
Objective Tree Four projects from Objective Tree: Base Station design Tether Tension Control System Adapting a plane design for new flight path On-board Instrumentation and hardware
Project Schedule Proposal Future Project Schedule Proposal Project Fall 2015 Spring 2015 Fall 2016 Spring 2016 Fall 2017 Base Station Design MSD 1 MSD 2 Adapting Plane Design Tether Tension Control System On-Board Instrumentation and Hardware
Base Station Project CR’s Customer Requirement Relative Weight Base Station with Tether Connection 29% Allow for full rotation of the tether 24% Achieve continuous horizontal circular flight path 19% Reel system to change tether length 14% Bridle system to attach to plane and maintain constant bank angle 10% Use a provided bought plane or P15462's plane 5% Record videos of all flights 0%
Next Steps Meet with Professor Hanzlik and Dr. Gomes to discuss Project Schedule Proposal Meet with P15462 to discuss expectations Meet with MSD Office to discuss budgeting Develop Functional Decomposition Develop Engineering Requirements Develop House of Quality