EuroRec/Efpia/CDIR - Brussles March 10-11, Workshop on Towards integration of clinical care & clinical research for better health & high quality healthcare Mats Sundgren & Petra Wilson Building high level statement
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Rationale The Key Issues Health care costs Health care quality EU innovation Drug development cost Pharma research model ”EHR integration” is one common denominator
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Today’s Objectives Use the outcomes of the three workstreams, (technical, interaction model, and legal), to develope a joint consolidated and integrated recommendation on which all can agree – a High Level Statement ”High level statement” will not only be reflected in the white paper but also, be used to enhance the ”political will” to promote the more engagement to understand and support integration of EHR to support medical research among EU member states
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, How Introduction Overview of arguments, assumptions and outcomes of the EHR task force Breakout sessions Discuss & Identify how we are going to achieve this Key barriers Momentum, key stakeholders, etc. Consolidation Build shared recommendations
EuroRec/Efpia/CDIR - Brussles March 10-11, Building - High level statement Arguments & building blocks
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Today’s situation in EU In the case of EHR implementation & interoperability aspects, Health Care, Life Science industry and other actors are living in separate worlds Lack of transparency & cooperation across EU member states to support harmonization on interpretation of data protection in respect to EHR implementations Need for further guidance on current legal framework on EHRs There is a need for enhanced political engagement to support integration and a wider use of EHR information for other medical purposes
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, The transitional environment EHR technology is becoming more mature Pace of standardisations & nomenclature models are moving forward Adoption of EHR in both hospitals & private practice is on a steady incline Increasing engagement (in EU & US) to leverage eHealth issues Integration of EHR have a large potential to create a win- win-win situation for health care, patients & industry Trends have created a transitional environment (Health care, Governmental, Patients, Vendors, and Bio-pharma), which bring different opportunities & challenges
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Assumptions x 3 Build on three assumptions Time is ripe to lay the platform in EU for enable large benefits to Patients, Health care & Industry Technology & standardisation Becoming mature Implementation and usage Is in steady incline
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Benefits x 3 Build on three benefits Support mobility of EU citizens (EHR utilisation across member states) Strengthen innovation capability in EU by providing an improved interaction and utilisation of patient information in the life science industry Safer & efficient Health care in EU
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Needs x 3 Build on three needs Create the political will in EU member states Awareness, governance, funding and key application areas (e.g. drug safety monitoring, medical research) Develop a sustainable interaction model for interoperability of EHRs in EU Information broker (third party), Need of accreditation, standards, Sustainable business models, accreditation mechanisms, and for clinical care & clinical research Secure legal guidance that encompasses medical research aiming for harmonized interpretation across EU Establish certification mechanisms and “model contract terms” for interoperability of EHRs to meet secrecy obligations across EU member states Inclusive with consistent interpretations across EU
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, EHR levels x 3 Primary care Identifiable EHRs Patient & drug safety monitoring Pseudonomyisation of EHRs Medical research purposes Anonymisation of EHRs NB: requires different levels and methods of data protection
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Reflections x 3 Banking industry E.g the S.W.I.F.T project (1995) Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Supplying secure messaging services and interface software to more than 5,500 financial institutions in 150 countries S.W.I.F.T.'s wide range of products and services help customers reduce costs, raise productivity, control risk, and strengthen the security of global financial communications
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Reflections x 3 Airline industry E.g. EDS and Amadeus systems ( ) Keeping an airline operating during a migration involves moving millions of electronic passenger name records (PNRs) and electronic tickets, while continuing to process passengers and move airplanes It also involves aligning those migrated PNRs with travel agencies and industry partners, such as hotel booking alliance code share partners, and coordinating countless details
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Reflections x 3 ICH (the case of Good Clinical Practice) International Conference on Harmonization (1990) Process to harmonize the technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals in human use Involves regulatory authorities and industry experts from: Europe, US, and Japan Make recommendations on ways to achieve greater harmonization in the interpretation and application of technical guidelines and requirements for product registration
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Comment - interoperability? Interoperability & health information (e.g. EHR) exchange are best understood as business concepts rather than technical concepts Like in the banking industry, the technical feat of creating ATM networks and point-of-service credit cards improved its interoperability and the enivironment was right Similarly, in healthcare it is easy to be overwhelmed by the technical complexity of healthcare standards, security, architecture, and other technical advances, Healthcare is seen as next on the list of industries that canbecome interoperable and consumer-centric Solving these issues can have an impressive effect on the structure and functioning of the healthcare marketplace
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, Breakout sessions Expectations Go from a high level to a more practical level Legal aspects are inbuilt to each breakout session How can interoperability be achieved, Identify barriers & opportunities Ranking– primary and secondary What are the principal recommendations for action!
EuroRec/Efpia/CDIR - Brussles March 10-11, Backup and redundant slides
WS - Towards integration of Clinical Care & Clincal research – Brussles March 10-11, EHR integration in EU – “one liner 1” The transitional environment in the area of EHRs bring opportunities to support mobility, enhance safe & efficient health care for EU citizens, but also to strengthen and regain the innovation capability in EU Time is ripe to secure synergies that will enable innovation in life science industry in EU