Vitri Widyaningsih
TypeAmeliorativePreventive Industrial medicine ( occupational medicine) Acute medical care Disease evaluation Fitness to work evaluation Industrial HygieneHealth hazard evaluation Compliance with government regulation, correction, and evaluation Consultation Worker evaluation Biological monitoring Compliance wit standard Personal healthEmployee assistance program Health promotion
What? facility or a department or other administative unit charged with responsibility for occupational health and usually safety as well. an activity, program, or function in the sense of a service to be provided
Why? to provide assistance both to management and the employee so that the employee is not harmed in the course of work to create a fair balance between the employee's and the employer's rights and obligations
how? To provide leadership, support, and technical services to the employer and the employee in all areas relating to health and safety in the workplace, To develop standards, procedures, reporting systems, and policies necessary to promote sound occupational health and safety practices, and to monitor compliance with them, To evaluate, to treat, and to limit temporary or permanent disability resulting from injury or illness occurring in the workplace, To detect significant health hazards as early as possible and to assist the managers responsible for the working unit and the employee in correcting the hazard before an injury or illness results, To assist the employee in controlling personal health problems and living a health life, in order to enhance their quality of life, productivity, and well-being.
Considerations Is qualified medical care (i.e., from physicians knowledgeable about occupational disorders) available in the community and easily accessible? Do operations within the organization require special insight or expertise because of particular hazards, unusual technology, or the potential for injuries? What are the pertinent regulations regarding occupational safety and health? What has been the past experience of the organization and what is its expected future growth? Who are the employees, what is their social, ethnic, and economic background, and what patterns of disease are common in their home community? How much of an investment is the organization prepared to make?
Form External, serving one employer Internal, serving one employer External, serving multiple employers Internal, serving multiple employers
Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Risk Control Review
Hazard Identification Those workplace health hazards presented to employees in the company's daily operations 1.1 hazardous materials used 1.2 hazardous substances or energies produced 1.3 hazardous work processes or procedures The main characteristics of the employee population which affect the type and degree of response to the hazards 2.1 age span and average age 2.2 sex ratio 2.3 average length of employment with the company 2.4 average educational and skill level
Hazard Identification The injury and illness experience and the sickness absence record of the workforce, with a careful and honest analysis of the effect of the following factors 3.1 nature of the work carried out by employees 3.2 conditions under which the work is carried out 3.3 quality of employee supervision 3.4 state of worker-management relations 3.5 the employer's existing health and safety policies and procedures 3.6 health problems prevalent in the community at large
Risk Assessment The occupational health and safety policy of the company Acute care for illnesses and injuries Environmental monitoring Pre-placement, periodic health, and other fitness-to- work evaluations Industrial hygiene and other prevention-oriented services
Risk Control Employee assistance Health promotion and education Special preventive programs (such as immunizations, assessment for fitness to wear respirators, physical fitness) Rehabilitation for employees returning to work after injury or illness Disaster response
Review The facility The program and activities Employer and employee’s need and balance
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