VO-Ganglia Grid Simulator Catalin Dumitrescu, Mike Wilde, Ian Foster Computer Science Department The University of Chicago
➢ Part I: The Grid-enabled Monitoring Tool ➢ Part II: From Monitoring to Simulation ➢ Part III: Features / Extended Model ➢ Shortcomings ➢ Future Work / Conclusions 2
➢ P2P Reporting ✗ implicit hierarchic infrastructures ➢ Interface with Other Monitoring Tools ✗ Nagios, MDS 2 ➢ Grid/Globus Specific Metrics ✗ Gatekeeper Information / Cluster RM Status ➢ Per VO Monitoring Support ✗ Collected metrics were aggregated and VO specific as well ➢ Resource Management ➢ Preference Specifications ➢ Usage Policy Enforcement 3
➢ Implemented Ideas ● VO based Metric Reporting ● Usage Policy Metric Incorporation ● Distributed Infrastructure for Usage Policy ➢ Time Spent with Development ● Enhanced Monitoring ~ 3 month ● Policy ~ 6 months ● Simulator ~ 3 months ➢ Are Other Alternatives Around? ➢ MonaLisa ➢ Standard Ganglia 6
➢ Difficult to Find Always Acceptable Grid Testbeds ➢ Deployment Takes Time ➢ Computing Time Represents an Issue in Production Environments ➢ What Do Some Well Known TestBeds offer Today? ➢ Grid3: many clusters with similar software AND Globus ➢ PlanetLab: individual machines with similar characteristics 7
8 ➢ CPU Management / Task Assignment Policies ➢ Disk Management / Space Assignment Policies ➢ Network Management / Maximum Capacity (so far) ➢ Usage Policy Specification Interface ➢ Data File Management (replica selection problem)
9 ➢ Before: ✗ Metric collection by means of specific collectors ➢ Now: ✗ Special modules that generate metrics about different loads ✗ Similar to a discrete simulator but integrated with a real tool ➢ “How exactly?” ✗ Periodic invocations (instead of monitoring collectors) ✗ State management for workloads, data file migration, CPU and disk allocations, network usages
11 ➢ Part I: The Grid-enabled Monitoring Tool ➢ Part II: From Monitoring to Simulation ➢ Part III: Features / Extended Model ➢ Shortcomings ➢ Future Work / Conclusions
12 ➢ Idea: Is it possible to run several simulators on different machines and configure each instance to report to a set of specified neighbors? ➢ Advantages: ✗ Simplicity in connecting several local simulators working on different data ✗ Support for metric distribution and visualization
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14 for each Gi with EPi, BPi, BEi do # Case 1: fill BPi + BEi if (Sum(BAj) == 0) & (BAi < BPi) & (Qi has jobs) then schedule a job from some Qi to the least loaded site # Case2: BAi<BPi (resources available) else if (SUM (BAk) < TOTAL) & (BAi < BPi) & (Qi has jobs) schedule a job from some Qi to the least loaded site # Case 3: fill EPi (resource contention) else if (sum(BAk) == TOTAL) & (BAi < EPi) & (Qi exists) then if (j exists such that BAj >= EPj) then stop scheduling jobs for VOj # Need to fill with extra jobs? if (BAi < EPi + BEi) then schedule a job from some Qi to the least loaded site # ?? if (EAi < EPi) & (Qi has jobs) then schedule additional backfill jobs
15 99% 80% 20% 60% 90% VO1 VO2
17 ➢ RRD / Disk Access ➢ Perl / Interpreted Language Speed ➢ Result Interpretation ➢ Result Validation in Real Contexts
18 ➢ “What Is Next? ” ✗ More work Resource Usage Policy Analsys ✗ “Export” ideas from VO-Ganglia in real pratice
19 ➢ “Why VO-Ganglia Is So 'Cool‘ for me?” ✗ Some creative ideas ✗ Easy to use ✗ “Possibility to run on my laptop” ✗ Provisioning tools for ✔ Workload generation ✔ Result formatting ➢ “Why Did I Invest More Than a Year in Developing It?”
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