Mr. Prather Kindergarten Room 1814
Florida A & M University– B.S. (Psychology) Florida A & M University– M. Ed. (Educational Leadership) University of West Florida – Ed.S Curriculum and Instruction Georgia Teaching Fellow Over 5 years of experience working with children
Listens to stories without interrupting Recognizes rhyming sounds Pays attention for short periods of time to adult- directed tasks Understands actions have both causes and effects Shows understanding of general times of day Cuts with scissors Traces basic shapes Begins to share with others Starts to follow rules Recognizes authority Manages bathroom needs Buttons shirts, pants, coats, and zips up zippers Begins to control oneself
Separates from parents without being upset Speaks understandably Talks in complete sentences of five to six words Looks at pictures and then tells stories Identifies rhyming words Counts to ten Identifies the beginning sound of some words Identifies some alphabet letters Recognizes some common sight words like “stop” Sorts similar objects by color, size, and shape Recognizes groups of one, two, three, four, and five objects
Homework Folder (lncludes homework, teacher/parent communication, etc.) And a positive learning attitude!
1. Enter the room and take Homework Folder. Place his/her backpack and place it in the boys or girls bin. 2. Hang up backpack and jacket in closet area. 3. Complete Morning Journal
The students will be on an 5 day rotation schedule for enrichment classes. Students will attend the following classes Reading/Writing Lab Computer Art PE (gym shoes required) Music
Will usually be given on Mondays and will contain the assignments for each day of the week.. The assignment packet for the week will be due on the next day. Class project information sheets and rubrics will be home at least two weeks before the due date.
Student grades will be based on observation checklists, informal and formal assessments Teachers will administer the Georgia DOE Student Learner Objective (SLO) assessment near the beginning and end of the school year GKIDS (Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills) will also be used to track and evaluate student progress throughout the school year.
I will listen and follow directions the first time given. I will raise my hand to speak or to get of my seat. I will be kind to others. I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself. I will always do my best!
Green– Great Day Yellow– Warning Orange– Time Out Red– No Recess Blue– Parent Contact & Office Referral Verbal Praise Hand Stamp Fun Friday Treasure Box Earned Privileges
Lunch Time – 10:25 -10:50 All students may receive free breakfast (7 am) and lunch daily. Snack Time – appx. 2:00 Parents are asked to choose one week to provide snacks for the entire class. Individually wrapped snacks are preferred but not required. Providing a drink is optional. Ex: Fruit snacks, animal crackers, chips, snack cakes
Remind 101 Please sign up for our class text message service to stay informed!
Office: Send a note or call office to request a conference Parents, please feel free to contact me whenever needed. I look forward to working with you and your child.
Helpful Web Resources
Provides educational movies for K-8 students. Resources for homework help, leveled quizzes, games and activities for kids. Exceptional lesson plan resources for teachers.
Provides free educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students to learn on the web.
Starfall is a free website that teaches children how to read and write in English. Starfall is useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and second grade.
FunBrain is a site for online educational games for kids of all ages. (math, grammar, science, spelling, history)