Mr. Bill Yarborough
College Clemson Alumni Graduated 1936 Majored in Chemistry after switching from Agricultural Awarded scholarship from county of Jenkinsville Tuition at the time was only $150
After College Started working for Allied Chemical and worked in lab till 1940 Made TNT in West Virginia during the war Made chief engineer after 7 years and was in charge of 150 people Vice President of Engineering Department
Career Went to Switzerland in 1970 till 1977 Worked for Sandoz for 12 years total Asked to build and manage a Chemical Plant in Allendale County in a place called Martin Retired September 1981 Became the County Administer of Allendale for 7 years
Personal Married in December 1943 to a pilot in the Woman’s Air Force Birthday is September 17 th 1916 Lived in Clemson Downs for 3 years
Children Has 2 adopted children and 1 foster child Their ages are 62, 57 and 55 He has 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren