Proposal for optical and cable network of NA62 trigger system Marián Krivda 1), Cristina Lazzeroni 1), Vlado Černý 2), Tomáš Blažek 2), Roman Lietava 1)2) 1) University of Birmingham, UK 2) Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia 13/7/20111
Content General strategy (old) General strategy (new) Old layout, response from detector and new layout respecting also the new general strategy for: – CEDAR – GTK – CHANTI – LAV – STRAW – RICH – CHOD – SAV (IRC + SAC) – LKR – MUV Summary table 13/7/20112
General strategy (old) Blow optical fiber (+ 1 spare) per a rack with FEE => use an optical splitter to fan-out optical signal in the rack Use 1 spare laser per TTCex board Use the optical splitter 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 as necessary 13/7/20113
General strategy (new) Blow optical fiber – possiblity to blow only 6,12 or 24 fibers Use an optical splitter 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 as necessary to fan-out optical signal in the rack where are LTUs or in destination where is FEE of sub-detector Use 1 spare laser per TTCex board 13/7/20114
CEDAR (Cristina Lazzeroni) The CEDAR has 2 unknown at the moment : how many TEL62 we need, and where exactly they will be located. If we assume they are 2 TEL62, then your proposal is fine. Since the rack will be at the CEDAR place, it doesn't have a number yet, but it will. 13/7/20115
CEDAR (new) LTU + TTCex(2 lasers) + optical splitter 1:4 2 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) TEL62 Fan-in CHOKE/ERROR TTCoc 1:4 spare Rack EB20 Rack CEDAR-01
GTK (Angelo Cotta Ramusino) First I should point out that the TTC links would be needed only where the off-detector GTK readout electronics is located and that is in the electronics house, not in the pit. My baseline design proposal was foreseeing one TTC link per GTK ASIC and therefore: - 10 TTC links per GTK STATION; being there 3 stations this means 30 links total A different implementation is possible in which each station would receive just one TTC fiber, convert it and distribute the TTC information locally by an electrical network; in this case then only one TTC fiber per station would be needed. This second approach is trickier and so I would prefer that You foresee, at this moment, to run the 30 fibers to the GTK off-detector electronics, unless costs or other reasons would forbid it. 13/7/20117
GTK (new) LTU + TTCex(4 lasers) + 3 x optical splitter 1:16 6 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) GTK1 GTK2 Fan-in CHOKE/ERROR Farm room rack S14 + rack S15 + rack S16 GTK2 TTCoc 1:16 6 Rack EB20
CHIANTI (Fabio Ambrosino) Dear Cristina, since we will use just one TEL62 the scheme looks fine for the CHANTI. The rack name as far as I understood is just CHANTI-01 in TTC8. Just as a remainder, I recall you that due to a misunderstanding (I was not reacting promptly at the time the order was placed since I was taking care of my father in the hospital) I was ordering for the CHANTI much more lasers than actually needed (10 instead of 2 !!), so that 8 of them can now be used as spares for the collaboration or for the individual groups who did not order the spares. Of course as I already wrote to Ferdi few months ago, if this can be done by scaling part of their cost from Napoli quota it would be very welcome, but in case is not possible there are no problems. Best regards, Fabio 13/7/20119
CHANTI (new) LTU + TTCex(2 lasers) 2 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) TEL62 spare CHOKE/ERROR Rack EB20 Rack CHANTI-01
LAV IF we keep the rack 29 configuration: 3 fiber + 3 spares 1:8 splitter TTCex 1+1 fiber 1+1 link 1:8 splitter 1+1 link 1:8 splitter 1+1 link 1+1 fiber 13/7/201111
The LAV positions (Mauro Raggi) In each of this position you will find a rack with 1TEL62 with a TTC receiver Need in total 12 x 2 connections assuming that each station receive in its rack 1 fiber and 1 spare 13/7/201112
LAV - Computing attenuation I assume that the 1:8 splitters are sitting in the racks of: ANTI-A1 one 1:8 ANTI-A5 one 1:8 ANTI-A9 one 1:8 If I understood correctly the constraints we should have a ~ 10db attenuation on each line LAV1122,0 d A1 Rackdb att. LAV2129,6 7,6 22,8 m10,7 LAV3137,2 7,6 LAV4144,8 7,6 LAV5152,4 7,6 d A5 Rackdb att LAV6165,9 13,5 28,5 m10,7 LAV7173,4 7,5 LAV8180,9 7,5 LAV9193,2 12,3 d A9 Rackdb att LAV10 203,610,5 45,7 m10,7 LAV11 218,214,6 LAV12 238,820,6 13/7/201113
LAV - Material required (Mauro Raggi) One LTU+TTCex with 5 lasers 3 1:8 optical splitters +1 spare 6 optical fibers TTCex splitters 24 connections splitters-TEL62 13/7/201114
STRAW (Peter Lichard) Hi Marian, we re-evaluated our system and we would like to check with you this proposal We would like to have 1 TTCex and 1 LTU underground controlling all the detector. We imagine TTCex having 1 laser + 1 spare laser. The distribution for 4 chambers should be done with 1:4 optical splitter followed by 1:16 optical splitter for on-chamber modules. We would like to have also a second set of TTex+LTU for lab and eventual spare. From back-envelope calculation on attenuation this scheme seems to provide sufficient optical power. Please, could you check this scheme if it really works? TTCex -> 1:4 -> 1:16 If this proposal is OK for you, we need to have 2 pcs TTCex with 2 lasers 2 pcs LTU 1 pcs 1:4 splitter 4 pcs 1:16 splitter Thanks for discussion! cheers Peter 13/7/201115
STRAW (new) LTU + TTCex(2 lasers) + TTCoc 1:4 + 4x optical splitter 1: optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTU TTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) Module 1 Module 2 Fan-in CHOKE/ERROR Rack STRAW rack STRAW1-02 Rack STRAW rack STRAW2-02 TTCoc 1:16 Module 3 Module 4 TTCoc 1:4 6 Rack EB20
RICH (Patrizia Cenci) Dear Marian, thank you for your message. Given the RICH needs, your proposal for the TTC cable network for the RICH should have a splitter 1:8 at the place of the splitter 1:4 suggested by you, which is not sufficient for us. Could you, please, update the summary table in your slide n. 15 according to that? Let me remind that we already agreed with Cristina, in november 2010, the purchase of 1 TTCex + 10 lasers for the RICH. Thank you so much. Best regards, Patrizia 13/7/201117
RICH (new) LTU + TTCex(2 lasers) + optical splitter 1:8 6 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) CHOKE/ERROR Rack RICH-01 TEL62 CHOKE/ERROR TEL62 TTCoc 1:8 Fan- in Rack EB20 spare
CHOD (Patrizia Cenci) Dear Marian, as far as I know, your proposal for the NA62 CHOD TTC cable network is correct, however I'd like to remind you that the CHOD in NA62 is not a Perugia INFN responsibility and we are funded by INFN only for the RICH (you'll know very soon about our requests for the RICH), according to the NA62 MOU. At present, I'm taking care of making the old NA48 CHOD working at the 2012 Techical Run, by borrowing existing HV and TDAQ modules within the collaboration, at no costs (but some manpower). I hope that will also be possible in the case of the TTC cable network for the 2012 run. This possibility will be soon investigated. As far as Perugia concerns, I cannot say more that that, I'm sorry: of course, Perugia will not be able to buy the TTC cable network proposed for the CHOD. Thank you. Best regards, Patrizia p.s. the CHOD rack will be at the LAV12/IRC place, assuming that the final detector will be kept at the present position. 13/7/201119
CHOD (new) LTU + TTCex(2 lasers) 6 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) TEL62 CHOKE/ERROR Rack CHOD-01 Rack EB20 spare
IRC (Venelin Kozhuharov) Dear Marian, I'm looking at your presentation which you have distributed for the optical and cabling network. Here is what I have understood as far (which might not be 100% correct): - The IRC/SAC system has ordered just 1 LTU and 1 TTCex with 3 lasers. Since the LTU is only one we need only 1 LVDS cable for trigger data. - The TTCex and the LTU for the IRC are located in the common clock crate. - The IRC RO will be located in a rack which is close to the rack for LAV12. Most probably the SAC RO will be located in the same rack (still not sure for that) since we aim to have common TELL62 for both detectors. Even if we use different TELL62s for the two detector (in case of limited network bandwidth for data transfer) 2 optical fibers are sufficient from the 2 lasers of the TTCex(we didn't choose the option to use a splitter). - An additional optical fiber would be of use in case of failure of one of the conventional fibers. It can be from the third laser of the TTCex. In case of two different locations of the RO then 1 additional fiber would be necessary for each of the ROs (for example from the thirds laser). So I would say that 4 fibers are completely OK with us and might be even more than enough. As a conclusion I think that your suggestion is fine for us. Few considerations: I suppose the distance from the TTCex to the IRC rack (i.e. LAV12 rack) or the probable SAC rack (which in any case won't be further than the end of ECN3) is not that much to require intermediate devices to recover the signal. Since we are going to connect the optical cables directly to the TELL62 we would need attenuators at the TTCex. I suppose one for each channel so three in total. Would you think that usage of a TTCoc would be a better idea and would have some advantage? Thanks and greetings Venelin 13/7/201121
IRC/SAC (new) LTU + TTCex(3 lasers) 4 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) IRC SAC Fan-in CHOKE/ERROR Rack IRC-01 Rack EB20 spare
13/7/ LKR readout (new) LTU + TTCex(2+2 lasers), 10 1x4 splitters 6 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 40 MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) CREAM Crate 1 CHOKE/ERROR Rack EB01 ….EB08 TTCoc 1:4 Fan-in CREAM Crate 2 CREAM Crate 3 CREAM Crate 4 ….. CREAM Crate 26 CREAM Crate 27 CREAM Crate 28 TTCoc 1:4 6 Rack EB20
LKr L0 (Riccardo Fantechi) For the CREAM readout we will have 28 crates with 28 TTCrx in a trigger board. Each crate will have an internal distribution of the clock info to the various (16/crate) CREAM boards. And all the boards will send back their choke/error signals to the trigger board, where they will be OR-ed and sent, from each crate, to a fan-in for the LTU. We had a preliminary discussion on a possible scheme and the outcome is the following: 2 (+2 spare) fibers go to the CREAM racks (1 at left, 1 at right) and there a 1 to 16 splitter will fan-out the signals to the 28 crates. This is one possible way which will require some care in laying down the) with a 1 to fibers to the individual crates. An alternative will be 8 fibers (1 per rack4 splitter each and a better layout. Add if necessary attenuators if needed. 13/7/201124
LKr L0 (new) 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) Crate #1 Crate #2 CHOKE/ERROR Crate #3 TTCoc 1:16 6 Rack EB20Rack EB09
MUV (Rainer Wanke) Dear Cristina and Marian, I apologize for the late answer: The MUV1+2+3 will be located in one single rack in the electronic barrack with 2 to 4 TEL62 boards in total. Therefore, in principle only 2 fibers (1+1 spare) would be needed together with 1 1:4 optical splitter. However, since we would like to have the possibility to run each of MUV1, MUV2, and MUV3 in standalone mode (they are quite different from each other), I propose to have 3+3spare fibers for the MUV (I hereby assume, that it is possible to have two TEL62 boards with two different TTC signals in one crate, is this correct?) We should also still foresee 1 TTCoc 1:4 module, since the MUV3 will most probably use two TEL62 boards. Bottom line: 3+3 fibers + 1 TTCoc 1:4 for the MUV Cheers, Rainer I forgot: As everything is in one single rack, one spare optical fiber may be enough. 13/7/201126
MUV (new) LTU + TTCex(3 lasers) 4 optical fibers + 1 LVDS cable 13/7/ MHz clock source LTUTTCex TTC ch A TTC ch B Trig. data from L0proc Burst clock CHOKE/ERROR LVDS (7) MUV 1 +2 MUV 3 spare Fan-in CHOKE/ERROR Rack MUV-01 spare TTCoc 1:4 Rack EB20
MUV (comments) Ordered 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 10 = 10 lasers) – Does MUV need 10 lasers ? If MUV wants to run MUV1,2,3 independently in stand-alone then it is necessary to have 3 LTUs + 3 TTCex boards 13/7/201128
Optical attenuation TTCex laser has optical power -3dB. Losses in optical fiber == 0.1 dB/100m Losses on ST/PC connector == 0.5 dB Losses in optical splitter 1:4==7dB, 1:8==10.2 dB, 1:16==12.5 dB The maximum allowed losses are 30 dB. If it is more than TTC receiver (TRR-1B43) doesn`t work. So, you can make any combination of optical fibers, connectors and optical splitters until you reach 30dB. 13/7/201129
Test of optical splitters Attenuation spread in all channels – 1:4 – 1:8 – 1:16 Attenuation of 2 TTCoc in series – 1:4 + 1:16 – 1:4 + 1:4 13/7/201130
13/7/ Electronics barrack CLK L0TP LTU TTCex EB20 MUV EB30 6 Farm room GTK1 ST14 GTK2 ST15 6 GTK3 ST for CEDAR 1 for CHANTI 4 spare CED AR-01 CHAN TI-01 LAV 1 LAV 2 LAV 3 LAV 4 LAV 5 LAV 6 LAV 7 LAV 8 LAV 9 LAV 10 LAV 11 LAV 12 STR AW 1 STR AW for LAV (6,7,8,9) 2 for STAW (1,2) 3 spare 1 for LAV (12) 1 for CHOD 1 for IRC 3 spare 6 STR AW 3 STR AW 4 CHA NTI CED AR CHO D IRC 1 for LAV(10,11) 2 for STRAW (3,4) 1 for RICH 2 spare for LAV(1,2,3,4,5) 5 spare RIC H LKr read out LKr read out LKr L0 EB01EB08EB09 6 RICH CHOD IRC STR AW1 STR AW2 STR AW3 STR AW4 Single mode optical fiber ST-ST connector LVDS cable for CHOKE/ERROR (not jet specified) Patch cord (single mode optical fiber ST-ST connector) 2 CHOD IRC
Summary (ECN3 setup) Num. of LTU boards Num. of TTCex Boards Num. of lasers on TTCex Num. of TTCoc 1:4 Num. of TTCoc 1:8 Num. of TTCoc 1:16 Confirmed by detector ( ) CEDAR1121--O.K. GTK113--3O.K. CHANTI O.K. LAV O.K. STRAW1141-4O.K. RICH O.K. CHOD112---O.K. IRC/SAC O.K. LKr readout O.K. LKr/L O.K. MUV O.K. TDAQ114---O.K. 13/7/201132
LTU + TTCex order CEDAR: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 2 = 2 lasers) GTK: 3 LTUs, 3 TTCex (3 x 3 = 9 lasers) -> NO spare laser on TTCex ! CHANTI: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 10 = 10 lasers) -> They need only 2 lasers ! LAV: 2 LTUs, 2 TTCex (1x10 + 1x4 = 14 lasers) STRAW: 2 LTUs, 2 TTCex (2 x 4 = 8 lasers) RICH: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 10 = 10 lasers) -> Do they need 10 lasers ? CHOD: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 2 = 2 lasers) IRC/SAC: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 10 = 10 lasers) -> Do they need 10 lasers ? LKR: 2 LTUs, 2 TTCex (2 x 2 = 4 lasers) LKR/L0: 3 LTUs, 4 TTCex (1 TTCex is spare) (4 x 6 = 24 lasers) MUV: 1 LTU, 1 TTCex (1 x 10 = 10 lasers) -> Do they need 10 lasers ? TDQ: 2 LTUs, 2 TTCex (2 x 4 = 8 lasers) SPARE: 1 TTCex (1 x 4 = 4 lasers) GRAND TOTAL: 20 LTUs, 22 TTCex, 115 lasers 13/7/201133
TTCoc order 13/7/ CEDAR: 1 TTCoc 1:4 GTK: 3 TTCoc 1:16 CHANTI: --- LAV: 4 TTCoc 1:8 STRAW: 1 TTCoc 1:4, 4 TTCoc 1:16 RICH: 1 TTCoc 1:8 CHOD: --- IRC/SAC: --- LKR: 10 TTCoc 1:4 LKR/L0: 3 TTCoc 1:16 MUV: 1 TTCoc 1:4 TDQ: --- SPARE: --- GRAND TOTAL: 13 TTCoc 1:4, 5 TTCoc 1:8, 10 TTCoc 1:16
Optical splitter price 1x4 SM Splitter 19" 1U Rack Mountable type Connector & Adpator type : ST Optical Spec : S-grade Unit price= 120 € 1x8 SM Splitter 19" 1U Rack Mountable type Connector & Adpator type : ST Optical Spec : S-grade Unit price= 145 € 1x16 SM Splitter 19" 1U Rack Mountable type Connector & Adpator type : ST Optical Spec : S-grade Unit price= 215 € 13/7/201135
Summary (ordered) Num. of LTU boards Num. of TTCex boards Num. of lasers on TTCex Num. of TTCoc 1:4 Num. of TTCoc 1:8 Num. of TTCoc 1:16 Confirmed by CEDAR1121--O.K. GTK O.K. CHANTI O.K. LAV O.K. STRAW O.K. RICH O.K. CHOD112---O.K. IRC/SAC O.K. LKr readout O.K. LKr/L O.K. MUV O.K. TDAQ O.K. SPARE /7/
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 1/ Rack Layout in TCC8 NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 1/ Rack Layout in ECN3 NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 1/ Rack Layout in Electronics Barrack NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April Drawn by R. Fantechi
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 1/ Rack Layout in PC Farm Room NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April Drawn by R. Fantechi
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 2/ First Proposal of Rack NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April Rack with Ventilator + Cost (~1230chf) per rack. - Power dissipated in the cavern. - No monitoring of rack. - No power cut in case of fire or overheat. - No alarm in the fire brigade. - The cost include the purchase of 1 LHC rack, 1 ventilator and 1 cable trays. - Additional ventilator cost 300chf.
Electronic Rack Infrastructure 2/ Second Proposal of Rack (similar LHC) NA62 TC Meeting, Gilles MAIRE PH/DT-DI5 April Rack with LHC Rack monitoring - Cost (~1960chf) per rack. - Power dissipated by air water exchanger. Need to install water circuit. + Monitoring of rack (temp, humidity, turbine…) with PVSS supervision by CAN bus. + Possibility of power cut in case of fire or overheat. + Possibility of alarm in the fire brigade. - The cost include the purchase of 1 LHC rack, 1 rack monitoring, 1 heat exchanger, 1 deflector and 1 cable trays. - Additional heat exchanger cost 90chf.
GTK racks 13/7/201143