CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013 (P) = Pilot's entry (E) = Engineer's entry (P) Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. (E) Almost replaced left inside main tire. (P) Test flight OK, except autoland very rough. (E) Autoland not installed on this aircraft. (P) Something loose in cockpit. (E) Something tightened in cockpit. (P) Evidence of leak on right main landing gear. (E) Evidence removed. (P) Autopilot in altitude hold mode produces a 200 fpm descent. (E) Cannot reproduce problems on ground.
CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013 Collegiate FDM Contributions & Role “Where Do you Want to Live? And Looking for Trouble”
CAPACG | name of presentation | date (change this on slide master)
CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013
Definition “Flight Data Monitoring (FDM ) is the systematic, pro-active use of digital data from routine operations to improve aviation safety within an intrinsically non-punitive and just culture”* CAA UK CAP 739, edition 2, 2013 CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013
Where Do You Want to Live? CAPACG | AABI | 7/18/2013
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 7 Solo XC dispatched late morning DAB – GNV – XFL – DAB Skipped XFL during return leg Two landing attempts on Runway 16 at DAB o First try – go around o Second try – prop and wingtip strike Case Study #2
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 8 Student was uninjured Airplane sustained damage only to propeller No property damage Airplane did not depart paved runway surface Student properly certificated and endorsed Airplane properly certificated, inspected, and airworthy with no defects Wind was 090 at 11 during incident landing Runway 7L-25R was closed Facts
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 9 Both approaches were stabilized with proper crab angle First landing try was premature, flat, right of centerline, bounced, resulted in go around Second landing try was also flat farther right of centerline with the following attitude: o Pitch – 0.77 degree nose up o Roll – 4.2 degrees right o Yaw – 20.6 degrees left G1000 Flight Data Logger
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 10 The touchdown created a large side load on the right side Side load caused the airplane to roll right and pitch down Prop strike occurred with following attitude: o Pitch – degrees nose down o Roll – degrees right o Yaw – 24.3 degrees left Prop strike lasted for about 1 second Control was regained before edge of runway G1000 Flight Data Logger
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 11
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 12 Improper crosswind correction o Left rudder and right aileron was applied, the opposite would have been correct Large side load and lack of back pressure made situation worse Crosswind exceeded student’s capability Findings
CAPACG | AABIl | 7/18/2013
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 14 Data found upon regular analysis o Exceedence Type: MAX_RPM o Begin Time: 9/16/2011 o End Time: 9/16/2011 o Threshold: 2700 o Maximum exceedence value: 2760 o Exceedence Type: VNE o Begin Time: 9/16/2011 o End Time: 9/16/2011 o Threshold: 158 o Maximum exceedence value: Case #2 -Unauthorized Maneuvers
November 10, 2015 ERAU Aviation Safety Department 15 Student attempted a roll of the C172 on his first unsupervised solo Student was shaken and did not down the aircraft The only recorded parameter that was exceeded was RPM Student did not tell anyone of the instance Findings
3D Rendering
Trying to find Trouble CAPACG | AABI | 7/18/2013
CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013 Image
CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013 Cast a Bigger Tighter Net: Beyond Exceedance Event Sets –Capture more than limitations, capture the “IF this and this or that happens” –Example: if the AC is <500 AGL and FPM < for 3 secondsTriggered event
FlyteAnalytics™ CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013
CAPACG | name of presentation | date (change this on slide master) Reports
CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013
CAPACG | name of presentation | date (change this on slide master)
Collegiate FDM Contributions & Role Continually Support & Improve the SMS Captures Hazards and Trends Sooner Improved Maintenance Diagnostics & Prevention Enhanced Reporting- 30,000’ to Granular Enhance Record Keeping Next Gen Ready Mirrors the Air Transport Objectives & Realities CAPACG | AABI | 07/18/2013
For more information on Flight Data Analysis Solutions please contact us at Or talk to Scott, Erik or Larry right here in Kansas City