Morning Time *Every morning, as soon as your bus gets here you will be going to the: Annex Gym or Annex Gym or Cafetorium (if you are eating breakfast) * At 7:40 you will be dismissed to your locker and homeroom.
Today’s Schedule HOMEROOM7:50 am - 9:36 am PERIOD 39:40 am – 10:15 am A Lunch10:19am- 11:00am Period 411:04am- 11:50am Period 511:54am- 12:40pm Period 612:44pm- 1:30pm Period 71:34pm- 2:10pm (early) Dismissal for 6th graders only will be at 2:10 pm.
Schedules In your packet you should have a copy of your schedule and then a Yellow blank copy that is easier to read. Please get them out and we will fill in an EASIER to read copy of your schedule!!! A days are Mondays and Wednesdays B Days are Tuesdays and Thursdays FRIDAYS ALTERNATE
Franklin Middle School Schedule Grade 6PeriodTimeRoomTeacher A Day Class B Day Class HR7:50-7:57200 Richards RichardsHomeroomHomeroom 18:00-8:46200Richards World Cultures 28:50-9:36 39:40-10:26 LUNCH10:30-11:00Mr. Butsch A LUNCH 411:04-11:50 511:54-12:40 612:44-1:30 7 1:34-2:20
Forms *If you have any forms that you need to turn in, have them out on your desks. I will be passing out the following important forms: Emergency cards Emergency cards PTA forms PTA forms Lunch and FARM forms Lunch and FARM forms Health information Health information THEY MUST GO HOME TO YOUR PARENTS!
Lockers I have filled out your locker combinations on a direction sheet- DON’T LOSE IT If for some reason you forget your combination during the year, I have a copy Your lockers are on this floor in the hallway in front of room 206 Mrs. Cheerio’s room DO NOT SHARE LOCKERS
A-Lunch Seating Write down your table numbers on your schedule You sit with your 4 th period class
Cafetorium Seating If you’re 4 th period teacher is: Mrs. Ockenhouse Mrs. Ockenhouse Ms. Grimmel Ms. Grimmel Mrs. Stanton Mrs. Stanton Mrs. Green Mrs. Green You eat in the Cafetorium, which is in the Annex.
Cafeteria Everyday you will drop off your books in your 4 th period class BEFORE going to the cafeteria TODAY when you arrive in the cafeteria, the administrators will be talking to you before you buy/eat lunch You MUST arrive on time for lunch, if you are late you will receive a detention On normal days, get in line as soon as you get to the cafeteria (not today), YOU MAY ONLY GET IN ONE LINE PER DAY Know your PIN number before you get into line!!!!
Cafeteria, contd. You must get anything you need (ketchup, fork, etc.) before sitting down You must ask permission to get out of your seat. You must have a pass for anything that involves you leaving the cafeteria You must begin cleaning 5 minutes before lunch is over You must be silent when an adult is on the mic and when being dismissed/walking through the halls
Dismissal 2:20-immediately go to bus or holding area! Students who walk, go to the library, or get picked up must leave at 2:20 Students who walk, go to the library, or get picked up must leave at 2:20 Today 6 th grade dismissal will Today 6 th grade dismissal will
Bus reminders All BCPS policies are in effect on buses, bus stops, and while students are walking to and from school. You will receive a paper bus card according to where you go upon dismissal Cockeysmill bus loop 2:20 Cockeysmill bus loop 2:20 Main Street bus loop 2:20 Main Street bus loop 2:20 Later buses will be dismissed from: Auditorium Auditorium Cafeteria Cafeteria Walkers, those being picked up, or going to the library must leave the school at 2:20
Agendas Agendas cost $8.00 If you have money for your agenda, have it out now. If you don’t have money for an agenda, get it in to me ASAP.
BCPS Policies and Procedures Absence Notes You must bring a note signed and give it to your homeroom teacher. It must include dates of absences and cause. Backpacks You may not use backpacks during the school day. Cell phones Using cell phones in school is not permitted. They must be turned off and placed in your locker until the end of the school day. Phones will be confiscated if they are used during the school day. Dress Policy Hats, bandannas, halters, midriffs, low cut tops, short skirts or shorts, spiked wrist bands, low riding pants, or t-shirts with anything inappropriate are not allowed in school.
Early Dismissal If you need to leave school before 2:20pm, you must bring a note from a parent or guardian. The note is to be brought to the front office in the morning before homeroom. Hall Passes You must always have a hall pass with you when you are not in the classroom. If a teacher doesn’t give you one, please ask for one. Lateness to Class All students are expected to be in their assigned classrooms when the late bell rings. Those who are chronically late will face consequences Health Suite No student may enter the nurse’s office without a pass. The nurse will not be available 1 st period or 7 th period.
Dragon Dollars If a teacher catches you doing something good, they will give you a colored ticket called a Dragon Dollar. They will circle what trait you are being awarded for such as: being prepared, showing respect, persistence, kindness, and more! You can use Dragon Dollars to buy tickets for dances and other fun items as the year goes on.