Intro to Excel - Session 3.11 Tutorial 3 - Session 3.1 Developing a Professional-Looking Worksheet
Intro to Excel - Session 3.12 Session 3.1 Objectives Learn how to format data Change font styles and sizes Align cell content Formatting text in a column Center text across columns
Intro to Excel - Session 3.13 Planning Analysis for Project Sales Report My Goal What results do I want What information do I need What calculations will I perform
Intro to Excel - Session 3.14 Figure 3-2, page 3.02
Intro to Excel - Session 3.15 Formatting the Worksheet Formatting the data Enhancing the appearance of the worksheet
Intro to Excel - Session 3.16 Formatting Worksheet Data AutoFormat or Your own formats Changes only the appearance of the data, not the data General format
Intro to Excel - Session 3.17 Excel Formatting Options Format menu Shortcut menu Formatting Toolbar
Intro to Excel - Session 3.18 Changing the Appearance of Numbers General Number Currency Accounting Date Percentage
Intro to Excel - Session 3.19 Currency Formats Decide the number of decimal places displayed Decide if $ is displayed How negative numbers look
Intro to Excel - Session Number Formats Decide the number of decimal places displayed Whether to display a common at thousands, millions, and billions How negative numbers look
Intro to Excel - Session Percentage Format Decide the number of decimal places displayed
Intro to Excel - Session Copying Formats Select the cell containing the format to copy Push the Format Painter button Select the cells where the format is to be used
Intro to Excel - Session Fixing ##### ##### indicates the number of digits exceeds the cell’s width The number is still stored in the cell, just not displayed To fix -- Increase the cell width
Intro to Excel - Session Aligning Cell Contents Cell content can be aligned: –Left –Right –Centered General rule: –Center column titles –Align decimal places in columns of numbers –Leave columns of text left aligned
Intro to Excel - Session Wrapping Text in a Cell Select Format Cells...
Intro to Excel - Session Centering Text Across Columns Select the range of columns Select Format Cells...
Intro to Excel - Session Indenting Text Within a Cell Select the cell Use the Increase Indent button Why not use the space bar?
Intro to Excel - Session Font Styles Times AaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCc Courier AaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCc Jester AaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCc Arial AaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCcAaBbCc
Intro to Excel - Session Formatting Text Select the range cells Select Format Cells...
Intro to Excel - Session Removing Cell Formats Select the cells Select Edit Clear Formats