How do We Make Our World “better?” Biology Standard 5c and d Modifying our Living World with DNA!
AKA Mating By choosing the “best” individuals of a species and breeding them, you can get the “best” offspring. Breeding
Allowing those orgs w/ desired characteristics (DNA) to produce next gen. Based on phenotype (what animal looks like) Genotype (DNA) codes for phenotype. Selective Breeding
Selective Breeding: Super Cow!
Selective Breeding Progression of Corn over time
Hybridization Crossing dissimilar individs to bring together best of both orgs. Can make orgs disease resistant; sterile!
Hybridization Liger
Hybridization: Zorse
Hybridization: Zedonk
Hybridization: Prizzly Bear
Hybridization: Tomacco
Hybridization: Wolf/Dog
Inbreedin g Continued breeding of individs with similar characteristics. Risky! Genetic defects! Too many recessive alleles (not dominant traits) Hemophilia: The Royal Disease: Queen Victoria X linked Hemophilia
Royal Pedigree
No Sex with Your Siblings! Inbreeding is dangerous b/c when 2 individs mate that are genetically similar, recessive disorders are kept inside the family and are passed to offspring.
Catalina Bison