Department of Children’s Services Primary Science Co-ordinators Meeting The Innovation Centre, Bradford Tuesday 12 th March pm - 4pm
The Blob Tree Where are you and your school (in relation to teacher assessment and moderation in science)? Why? What do you need/expect from today’s session?
Objectives: To note changes to the assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) for science in 2013; To identify the different ways in which we can collect/record evidence of a child working at a particular level in science; To consider and share our assessment procedures in science (including moderation); To moderate pupils work in relation to levels 1 – 5 (to confirm or amend your judgements).
Assessment & Reporting Arrangements in Science 2013 The EYFS Profile requires practitioners to assess children against the new set of 17 early learning goals (a judgement of emerging, emerging or exceeding). In KS1 & 2 teachers are required to summarise their judgements on children’s attainment in relation to the National Curriculum level descriptors for each eligible child. The aim is to reach a rounded judgement that: –is based on knowledge of how a child has performed over time and across a range of contexts; and –takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child’s performance through the key stage. Teachers need to determine: –a level for each attainment target in science.
ARA for 2013 Cont… A subject level for science will be calculated automatically when the levels for the individual attainment targets are entered into the school’s MIS (weightings remain unchanged, Sc1 = 3 & Sc 2 = 1, Sc 3 = 1, Sc 4 = 1) P scales continue to be used to record and report the achievements of children with SEN in science but they must not be used to assess children with EAL at any age, unless they have additional special educational needs. Children working towards level 1 of the national curriculum who do not have a special educational need should be reported as ‘NOTSEN’ There will be no Key Stage 2 science sampling in 2013; a new, biennial system will be introduced in 2014 (full details available in the 2014 ARA to be published in autumn 2013).
Activity 1 On your post-it note(s), record the different ways in which we can collect and/or record evidence of a child working at a particular level in science.
Activity 2 Child’s Name: Level in Science: Identify your reasons
The answers! E - Trenyce – Year 1, level 1 (secure) D - Emma – Year 2, level 2 (secure) B - Luke – Year 5, level 3 (secure) A - Christopher – Year 4, level 4 (low) C - Ciaran – Year 6, level 5 (low)
Activity 3 Produce a flow chart that reflects your assessment procedures in science. “If the moderator feels that TA judgements are not supported by the evidence provided, they should challenge the teacher and seek further information through professional dialogue.” Standards and Testing Agency 2013 How do you ensure that your internal assessment and moderation processes provide an element of objective scrutiny, to support or challenge teachers’ judgements where necessary and ensure they are based on sound evidence? Complete the spider diagram Use the information from both your flow chart and spider diagram in order to complete a SWOT analysis.
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