SWOT A NALYSIS Young Entrepreneurs Project
StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Inside Your Company Outside YourCompany
S TRENGTHS AND W EAKNESSES “Strengths are the capabilities, resources, and skills that you can draw upon to carry out strategies, implement plans, and achieve the goals that you’ve set for yourself.” – Business Plan for Dummies – Tiffany, P – 1997 Weaknesses are the areas of your business you need to improve upon. Both strengths and weaknesses only apply to you and your company, and you can control them.
O PPORTUNITIES AND T HREATS Opportunities and Threats apply to things that are outside of your company and which you have little control over. Opportunities are areas that can help your company grow. Threats are areas that can hurt your chances of success. Again, you have little control over your opportunities and threats, but if you know them, you will be able to Your goal is to capitalize on opportunities if they occur, and to prepare for any threats.
SWOT A NALYSIS Fill out a SWOT Analysis chart by using the examples on the sides or by using ideas of your own.