Wikis, Blogs & Noodles The latest world of the web Terry Fogarty
“Weaving the web” Tim Berners-Lee Invented WWW BERNNERS-LEE’S VISION “The WWW as the way collaborative work groups interact” “Sit in front of a web browser (Internet Explorer) and simply edit the content of a web page, online, in real time”
Wiki Berners-Lee’s dream in action In schools: –Used by teachers to create Noodles –Used by students for collaborative problem solving EDIT a Wiki in real time
Benefits of Wiki technology Very, very easy to use Available anywhere (browser based) –Develop at home –View at school or from the library
Blog Online journal Latest entry appears at the top You publish, other folk can read and leave comments Or, you could create an Online Forum for groups of like-minded people Blog Example
Wiki & Blogs for students Use for group activity Get students to create a personal space where they use the Discussion Board for the activity journal (blog)
Noodle Class/Course website Publish information for students Contains school Intellectual Property (needs to be secure) Best place to publish – on the school Intranet with Extranet access for teachers, students and parents WATCH THIS SPACE – IT’S COMING!!
Current Noodle Options Intranet –MS File System, or –HTML web pages Extranet –School server-based Wiki, or –MS File System, or –HTML web pages Secured on Internet –Hosted Wiki ( – (HTML generated)
Noodle on Intranet MS File System No wiki at this stage (under investigation)
Beyond Noodles Noodles –Learning Content System –Minimal student administration required Moodle –Learning Management System LAMS –Learning Activity Management System
Open source HTML-based, integrated Learning Management System developed by classroom teachers Require student administration by teachers Variety of browser-based learning activities (similar to Noodles) Suited to more experienced ICT users
Open source, HTML-based, fully integrated Learning Activity Management System Developed by University academics Requires extensive student administration by the teacher Has been integrated with Moodle Main difference is that LAMS provides for the active observation and management of learning sequences for individual and groups of learners Suited to ICT experienced, always- online teachers
Monitor Student Progress
Collaborative Problem Solving Development Geography – RwandaRwanda Year 9 Geography Elective Students learn to: profile a country using qualitative and quantitative data Identify causes of inequalities TPHS Prefects Charity Students learn to: Investigate initiatives and how to contribute to the quality of life of the people Teacher: Mr Martin Orrock ICT: Mr Terry Fogarty
Mindtools Free Mindtools used in this MM production included: –Wikispaces wiki-engine ( –Audacity for sound editing ( –ScreenPrint32 for image capture/editing ( –MS Office ClipArt online for animations (
Some web links