| Slide 1 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Bethel School District Webinar State End-of-Course Tests & Math Credits Webinar Procedures INTERACTIVE POLLING: There will designated times when you will be asked a question and need to answer with the Green Check for “Yes” or Red X for “No”. Other times you will see A, B, C, or D buttons to answer a multiple choice. TEXT Questions: In the “Chat Box”, you may ask questions at any time during the presentation. They will be answered periodically. AUDIO: There will some Q&A times. Only one person may talk at a time. I will ask you to raise your hand (with the hand up button). Press the Microphone button to speak. When done, press again to turn off. PRESS Green Check when ready Timer for start of webinar -->
| Slide 2 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Audio Check Please respond with a “Yes” in the chat box if you can hear me. If you can’t hear me, check your audio on your speakers and/or computer.
| Slide 3 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information WEBINAR OUTLINE Math Assessment Graduation Requirements Quick Check - Answer Questions End-of-Course (EOC) / Make-Up Exams Quick Check - Answer Questions End-of-Course (EOC) Logistics Quick Check - Answer Questions Special Education Participation Quick Check - Answer Questions High School Math Credits - Class of 2013 and Beyond Quick Check - Answer Questions Resources
| Slide 4 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Math Assessment State Graduation Requirements
| Slide 5 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Math Graduation Requirement: Classes of 2011 and 2012 (current rules) Students can meet the math assessment requirement with one of the following ways: Previously passed either the HS WASL or HSPE Math tests Earn two credits of math after 10 th grade* Must increase math proficiency Courses must meet/exceed 9 th and 10 th grade math standards Pass an EOC or EOC Makeup 1 or 2 Important: Results not available until August Pass a HSPE-like “Comprehensive” exam (not yet funded) Utilize CAA-Options: SAT, ACT, AP GPA Comparison * Option not available for the Class of 2013 and beyond
| Slide 6 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Math Graduation Requirement: Classes of 2013 and Beyond (current rules) Pass Algebra End-of-Course (or Algebra Make-Up) AND Pass Geometry End-of-Course (or Geometry Make-Up) Other Alternatives: Pass a CAA-Option in Math SAT / ACT / AP (cut scores won’t be set until ) Math COE (details still to be worked out) GPA comparison Passing a HSPE-like “Comprehensive” exam for Class of 2013 and 2014 (This option has not been funded)
| Slide 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Superintendent Dorn Working with Legislature on Math Options Superintendent Randy Dorn will be in discussion with key legislators to consider various options, including consideration of: Allowing students in the classes of 2013 and 2014 to meet the math graduation requirement by passing one EOC or one EOC Makeup Delaying the science graduation requirement by at least two years, possibly until 2017 Evaluating ways to deliver math and science Collections of Evidence that support this alternative and that are cost-effective Any changes to requirements has to be approved through the legislature and the governor. You are bound to hear a variety of stories as this legislative process unfolds. We must work under the assumption that no changes will be made. You will be notified of any approved changes.
| Slide 8 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Quick Check... I/We understand the math assessment graduation requirements for both the classes of 2011 & 2012 as well as 2013 and beyond. Use Green Check for Yes Use Red X for No If no, please use the “chat” feature to ask your question.
| Slide 9 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information Questions Answers to the “Chat” questions
| Slide 10 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information End-of-Course Tests in Algebra & Geometry (and the make-up exams) Spring 2011 Administration
| Slide 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information State End-of-Course (EOC)Tests: Required Participants Algebra (or Integrated 1): All students enrolled in Algebra or Applied Algebra regardless of grade level (based on spring enrollment) Geometry (or Integrated 2) All students enrolled in Geometry or Applied Geometry regardless of grade level (based on spring enrollment). Note: For Junior High, this is in addition to the state MSP math tests for 7 th or 8 th grade.
| Slide 12 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION What Will the EOC Tests Look Like? Graduation Requirement Performance Expectations (PEs) required for graduation are the overlap of algebra 1 with integrated math 1 and of geometry with integrated math II
| Slide 13 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION What Will the EOC Tests Look Like? Subtests EOCs must also have subtests of standards unique to Algebra 1, Geometry, Integrated Math 1 and Integrated Math 2 Unique standards are the “off-diagonal” standards Subtest strength/weakness scores will be reported at the student, teacher, school, district and state levels
| Slide 14 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION What Will the Tests Look Like? (cont.) Four EOC tests: Two 1 st Year math & two 2 nd Year math Algebra 1 test Integrated Math 1 test Integrated Math II test Geometry test FIRST-YEAR MATH TESTS SECOND-YEAR MATH TESTS
| Slide 15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Can I See Which P.E.’s are on Which Test? “Crosswalk” documents are posted at: Algebra 1 test Integrated Math 1 test Integrated Math II test Geometry test FIRST-YEAR MATH TESTS SECOND-YEAR MATH TESTS
| Slide 16 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION What Will the Make-Up Tests Look Like? Make-Up Yr 1 (Algebra) Make-Up Yr 2 (Geometry) Yr 1: Only PE’s common to Alg 1 and Int 1 Yr 2: Only PE’s common to Geo and Int 2 Will be shorter than the EOCs (plus no pilot items) Will be taken in a single HSPE-like setting Can be used in 2011 by students who have passed an EOC course before the EOCs were available
| Slide 17 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information State Make-Up Exams: Participants REQUIRED PARTICIPANTS 10 th grade Students enrolled in courses higher than Geometry need it for graduation requirements; school needs them to participate for AYP. 10 th grade students lower than Algebra (required to take state test for AYP) This includes SPED Resource Room students (not PORT students) Will take Algebra Make-Up STRONGLY ENCOURAGED / EXPECTED th grade students can use to meet math requirement Junior High Students who have already taken Algebra and Geometry can bank scores for high school graduation requirement.
| Slide 18 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information State Make-Up Tests (Algebra & Geometry): BSD Initial Recommendations Junior High Geometry students should wait until Advanced Algebra to take the “Yr 1 Make-Up (Algebra)”. This allows Geometry classes to focus exclusively on Geometry PEs and students to focus exclusively on the Geometry EOC. Current Advanced Algebra Students should take the “Yr 1 Make-Up (Algebra)” and “Yr 2 Make-Up (Geometry)” (unless requirement changes to just one test) 10 th grade lower than Algebra (including resource room, but not PORTFOLIO students) will take the Yr 1Make-Up test (Algebra).
| Slide 19 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Quick Check... PRESS A: I / We understand the design and purpose of the End-of-Course Exams and Make-Up Exams PRESS B: I / We understand the design and purpose of the End-of-Course Exams, but still have questions about the Make- Up Exams PRESS C: I / We understand the design and purpose of the Make-Up Exams, but still have questions about the End-of- Course Exams PRESS D: I / We don’t understand either
| Slide 20 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Questions Answers to the “Chat” questions Raise hand to ask an audio question (only one group can have microphone on at a time). When called upon, press the microphone button After speaking, press microphone button again to mute
| Slide 21 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION End-of-Course Exam Logistics Spring 2011 Administration
| Slide 22 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION End-of-Course Exam Logistics Must be given within the district’s last 3 weeks of school; test schedules set by district assessment coordinator An advisory committee is being assembled (HS admin, JH admin, and teacher reps) to create schedule. A first draft will be shared mid November for feedback. A final draft will be public by December. Students absent from test date will not be allowed to take the test this spring (wait until next year). Like MSP/HSPE: One single pre-id booklet per exam (algebra 1, integrated I, geometry, integrated II, EOC Makeup 1, EOC Makeup 2)
| Slide 23 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION End-of-Course / Make-Ups Logistics When is the testing window for EOCs? Each district will set a common schedule for its school(s) within the last three weeks of the district’s school year. The EOCs will be paper/pencil booklets, designed to be administered in intact classrooms at the end of the course. OSPI will use student class rosters provided through CEDARS to pre-print booklets by district/school/teacher/class-period. How long will the EOCs take? Designed to be taken in minute periods (with the first half-period as the directions) Un-timed test How long will the Make-Ups take? The Make-Ups will be approximately 2 hours (untimed) Scheduled on days after the EOC
| Slide 24 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION EOC & Make-Up Logistics Continued.. When will results be available? In this first year, standards (passing scores) need to be set. That means the spring 2011 scores will be available in August 2011 (mostly likely late August). In subsequent administrations, results will be available 6-8 weeks after testing.
| Slide 25 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Sample Schedules Sample 1: MONDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Directions (in class) o EOC Geo Directions in class TUESDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Session 1 (in class) o EOC Geo Session 1 (in class) WEDNESDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Session 2 (in class) o EOC Geo Session 2 (in class) THURSDAY o Make-Up Algebra (in pull out morning session) FRIDAY o Make-Up Geometry (in pull out morning Session) Sample 2 (like HSPE) Monday (in 6 period day) o EOC Alg Directions (in class) o EOC Geo Directions (in class) Tuesday (morning session) o EOC Algebra (in entirety) o EOC Geometry (in entirety) Wednesday (morning session) o Make-Up Algebra Thursday (morning session) o Make-Up Geometry
| Slide 26 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Sample Schedules Sample 1: MONDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Directions (in class) o EOC Geo Directions in class TUESDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Session 1 (in class) o EOC Geo Session 1 (in class) WEDNESDAY (in 6 per day) o EOC Alg Session 2 (in class) o EOC Geo Session 2 (in class) THURSDAY o Make-Up Algebra (in pull out morning session) FRIDAY o Make-Up Geometry (in pull out morning Session) Sample 2 (like HSPE) Monday (in 6 period day) o EOC Alg Directions (in class) o EOC Geo Directions (in class) Tuesday (morning session) o EOC Algebra (in entirety) o EOC Geometry (in entirety) Wednesday (morning session) o Make-Up Algebra Thursday (morning session) o Make-Up Geometry What about kids who need more time? (especially 6th period kids) What about the students who don’t need to test? Does that create too long of tests?
| Slide 27 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION What about Re-takes? There will no longer be High School State Math Testing in August (there will still be reading and writing). After this spring, the EOCs and Make-Ups will be offered twice per year: January testing (starting in 2012) for make-ups and block scheduled schools June testing (starting this June) for year long EOC courses and make-ups.
| Slide 28 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Quick Check... I/We understand the basic logistics for the end-of-course math test. Use Green Check for Yes Use Red X for No
| Slide 29 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Questions Answers to the “Chat” questions Raise hand to ask an audio question (only one group can have microphone on at a time). When called upon, press the microphone button After speaking, press microphone button again to mute
| Slide 31 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SPED PARTICIPATION (Class of 2013 and Beyond) To Earn a CAA, students have same requirements as general education students To Earn a CIA, students (based on IEP need) can meet math requirement with: EOC-Basic: Level 2 on EOCs (however this is not yet approved by legislature) DAPE (Developmentally Appropriate Proficiency Exam): Same as current students. Only available for 11th and 12th grade students. LDA (Locally Determined Assessment): Available for designated seniors PORT (Portfolio)
| Slide 32 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SPED PARTICIPATION Current 10th Grade Students Students must participate in ONE of the following options: EOC Geometry or EOC-Geo Basic* (if enrolled in Geometry or Applied Geometry) EOC Algebra or EOC-Alg Basic* (if enrolled in Algebra or Applied Algebra) Algebra Make-Up Exam or Algebra Make-Up Exam-Basic* (if enrolled in lower than Algebra) PORTFOLIO *The BASIC option has not been approved yet by the legislature for these new tests.
| Slide 33 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Questions Answers to the “Chat” questions Raise hand to ask an audio question (only one group can have microphone on at a time). When called upon, press the microphone button After speaking, press microphone button again to mute
| Slide 34 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION High School Mathematics Credits Requirements for Class of 2013 and Beyond
| Slide 35 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Class of 2013 Math Graduation CREDIT Requirements The three mathematics credits required under this section must include the following mathematics courses: Algebra 1 or Applied Algebra Geometry or Applied Geometry Adv. Algebra o OR a third mathematics credit chosen per the student’s educational and career goals as expressed in the High School and Beyond Plan CTE-equivalent courses may be used for any of the math credits. Bethel School District is currently examining which CTE courses will count for this. These recommendations will be presented for approval from the CRT.
| Slide 36 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Class of 2013 Math Graduation CREDIT Requirements: Recent Changes to Rule The State Board of Education made changes to the math rule at their September 2010 meeting to: Permit students to take two required math courses at the same time (e.g., algebra 1 and geometry) Clarify the expected sequence of classes Permit students not to take a required course as long as they earn three math credits in high school AND take advanced algebra 2/integrated mathematics III
| Slide 37 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Third credit of Mathematics option If students have a clearly defined career path, they will have the opportunity to substitute another high school math course for algebra 2/Integrated III, but must obtain parent/guardian and high school approval. Students may also earn mathematics credits in the relevant career and technical education, or CTE, equivalent courses.
| Slide 38 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FAQs: Mathematics Credits Are there specific math credits students have to earn for the first two credits? Yes. Students must earn 1 credit in algebra 1/integrated math 1, and a second credit in geometry/integrated math II, or earn credits in the relevant career and technical education (CTE)- equivalent courses. Can students take two of the required courses at the same time? Yes, per the rule change effective October 22, 2010.
| Slide 39 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FAQs: Mathematics Credits What courses may students take for the third math credit? Students may take algebra 2, integrated math III, or a rigorous, high school level math course that meets the student’s education and career goals identified in the student’s high school and beyond plan. Courses in which the majority of the math is at a K-8 level would not qualify for the third credit. The intent of the third credit is to enrich and build upon the experiences of algebra/integrated math I and geometry/integrated math II. Traditional math examples may include, but are not limited to: statistics, discrete math, linear algebra and mathematical modeling.
| Slide 40 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION If students want to take a course other than algebra 2 or integrated math III for their third math credit, what do they have to do? Choose a course that is based on a career-oriented program of study identified in their high school and beyond plan Meet with a high school representative and their parent/guardian to discuss their goals and the admission requirements of two and four-year colleges Sign a form, along with the high school representative and parent/guardian, to acknowledge that: 1) the meeting was held, 2) the required information was discussed, and 3) all parties agree that the course is more appropriate for the student’s education and career goals. FAQs: Mathematics Credits
| Slide 41 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Would career and technical education (CTE) mathematics courses satisfy the third credit of mathematics? Yes. If the majority of the course is high school level math, the title of the class is immaterial. FAQs: Mathematics Credits
| Slide 42 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Can a support class in conjunction with algebra work for the third credit? (I.e. Math Lab) No. The support class may count as an elective credit, but it cannot satisfy the third credit of math. Can students take algebra 1 for two periods and count it as the first and third credit of math? No. The student can take Algebra and Geometry the same time. However, they do not have the flexibility of taking the first and third credits at the same time. Equivalent CTE courses may be substituted for all of the courses listed above FAQs: Mathematics Credits
| Slide 43 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION We plan to offer a math class designed for those students who haven’t passed one or more of the end-of-course assessments, but have earned the first two credits of math in the designated classes. Could this class count as the third credit of math? Yes, if the following conditions are met: a) students earned credit in algebra 1/integrated math I and geometry/integrated math II), or in the relevant career and technical education (CTE)-equivalent courses, even though they did not pass one or both of the end-of-course assessments, and b) the math class is rigorous, high school level math that helps the students meet his or her education and career goals, and c) the math class is not the same as the original algebra 1/integrated math I and/or geometry/integrated II classes. FAQs: Mathematics Credits
| Slide 44 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Questions Answers to the “Chat” questions Raise hand to ask an audio question (only one group can have microphone on at a time). When called upon, press the microphone button After speaking, press microphone button again to mute
| Slide 45 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Resources BSD Assessment Website HS EOC Resources o Interactive Guide: What Math Test Do I Take? o This PowerPoint o OSPI original webinar PowerPoint o Test Specs o Sample Questions
| Slide 46 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Final Question PRESS A: This was an effective format for relaying important information. PRESS B: This format is OK for relaying important information. Some tweaks needed. Give recommendations in the CHAT. PRESS C: This is an ineffective format for relaying important information.