Hampshire Hub Data Platform Progress update 1 October Bill Roberts Swirrl
Done Main PublishMyData data site – Searchable and browsable data catalogue – Rich machine readable metadata – Tabular display of data – Download in various formats, including CSV – Group datasets by theme or by publishing organisation – APIs and query endpoints for developers to access data in machine readable formats – Use of standards based approach to data storage will allow easier external re-use of data and also allow us to re- use/share tools and reference data with other organisations, such as DCLG, OpenCube
Done Wide-ranging rewrite of the underlying data management system to allow: Better data management tools for a team of data administrators Control of data access on a case by case basis Improved performance for uploading large datasets Greater automation and integration of data loading process Better dataset versioning
Done Around 200 datasets, based on data from OCSI Some planning data (transformation processes in place, not yet loaded) Automated data transformation pipelines to convert data from source into linked data
Ready for 24 October Area profiles (first draft currently operational in test system, improvements in progress) Website and Content Management System – Home page – Blog – News – Events – About – Initiatives Based on Wordpress, editable by Hants Hub team
Ready for 24 October Portsmouth and Hants JSNAs in data site, with downloadable files and explanatory text as part of datasets Extended/revised area profiles – With thematic map and timeline visualisations Geographical data loaded (Simple) geography selection tool for area profiles Planning data (where available) Thematic map visualisation on dataset pages
Coming soon Area profiles configurable by Hub team Data management tools for use by Hub team Tools for data transformation, to create linked data from CSV, Excel etc Additional dataset visualisation options Spreadsheet builder tool Enhanced geography selection tool
Successes Working system containing a lot of data and rich access tools – fundamentals all in place Good working relationship between Hub core team and Swirrl Effective application of an agile approach Will be delivered on budget
Challenges Getting good quality source data – a lot of data cleaning has been required Schedule – some features will be later than planned