How to run a free 5-day “SNEAK PEAK” into coaching GROUP CORY MILLER SUPER SUNDAY 9/28/14
Why run a group? Great way to expose prospects to business Great way to follow-up Probably something they are doing anyways Shows accountability & team support
How to start Don’t need a ton of time to advertise Create a graphic Create an event on Facebook Post on social media Personally invite prospects - give them basic info Create a Facebook group for those that commit
group details Post night before for assignment due next day Have a plan for how you will set up the week Conduct a LIVE “What is Coaching?” call/webinar All leaders in the group interact
day suggestions Monday - Introductions/WHY (“What is Coaching?”) Tuesday - 3 Vital Behaviors, Mission Statement, “Share NOT Sell” Wednesday - Have them post on page about nutrition/fitness - share response with group Thursday - Have them reach out to friend - “Hey, what’s new” - share response with group Friday - “What If” - what to expect after sign up - GSR, team support, Coach Basics group, etc
AFter group is done Be sure to personally follow up with prospects Ask for feedback of what they thought of group Tell them why you think they would make a good coach Don’t be afraid to ASK!
other suggestions Team up with other coaches! Divide responsibilities of posts Shows team support! You never know if it is going to work unless you try!!!