HDL+ Sub-Committees Chairs Meeting Vassilios Gerousis HDL+ Committee Chairman + Accellera Technical Chairman Infineon Technologies
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org2 1- Introduction. A- HDL+ Charter. B- Accellera Organization. 2- Operational Sub-committees for HDL+. A- Scope. B- Structure. C- Donation Process. D- Voting. E- Milestones and Expectation. 4- HDL+ Targets expected for all committees. 5- Synchronization. Agenda
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org3 HDL+ Charter Advanced HDL languages into higher design abstraction and verification. Our Focus is on Verilog First.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org4 Hierarchy and Functions Accellera Board manage the business of Accellera and provide “Guidance” to its technical committees. Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC): The TC-chair is appointed by Accellera board. Manage Rules and Guidelines for the committees. Create and manage technical roadmap. Can creat new committees with approval of the board. Technical Committees: Develop draft standards based on business guidance of the Board and Technical guidance by the TCC. Committee operation is governed by TCC rules and guidelines.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org5 Technical (sub-)Committee Technical chairs are appointed by the TC chair. Technical chairs can be fired by the TC chair. Each Committee/Sub-committee must establish: reflector and Web. Mission Goals. Milestones. Deliverables. Status report. Technical donation must go through Accellera Chairman and the TC chairman, before donation analysis can start.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org6 Current HDL+ Subcommittees SV-BC: Focus on the the basic issue list. Chairman: Cliff Cummings. Co-Chairman: ? SV-EC: Focus on the enhancement and focused area of donations. The only donation we have is Synopsys. In addition to the committee list we have the TestBench from Synopsys. Chairman: David Smith. Co-Chairman: ? SV-CC: Focus on the C/C++ interface (API, Coverage, etc.). Analyze the Synopsys Direct-C donation. Chairman: John Stickley ? (Suggestion by Stuart Sutherland). Co-Chairman: Ghassan Khoory SV-AC: Focus on SystemVerilog Assertion. Analyze donation from Synopsys. Synchronize with Sugar and OVL.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org7 HDL+ Sub-Committee - Continued OVL Committee: Focus on OVL library only. Chairman: David Lacey. Co-Chairman: Tom Fitz. (Transfer to SV-AC Co-Chair?). Harry Foster and Erich Marschner from FV committee will help HDL+ to syncrhonize the assertion with Sugar. A common viewpoint will be established. Accept inputs from members to formulate a practical solution. Guide Accellera to unify Assertion and Property Assertion Language (Sugar).
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org8 Donation Donation negotiation must only go through Accellera Chairman and TC Chairman. Donation will have “assigned” status by signing a legal letter. Technical discussion cannot start prior to the assigned status. The assigned donation will be sent to one designated committee. The committee will Analyze. Evaluate. Accept or Reject the donation through a formal vote. Accepted donation marks the donation as Accellera property. An Accellera draft LRM can be started. Committee is allowed to do changes in the donation.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org9 Voting structure and Rules Three out four meetings applies (75%). One vote per company. Voting rules will apply to THE designated company representative. Accellera membership applies. Each company must designate a person for voting. No alternate is allowed unless the person leaves the company. Each one of SystemVerilog 3.0 IEEE members, who is not an Accellera member or have a commercial affiliation, will have an individual vote. Proxy can vote. We make decisions with the best inputs at the time. We commit to track issues even after the vote
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org10 Expected Milestones Planning meeting on June 5th, HDL+ committee meeting will happen once a month to synchronize activities and resolve issues. A “qualified” voting member of a committee will automatically have a voting previlage in HDL+. The first month: Start addressing issue list. Start analyzing the “assigned” donation. Get the committee operation (mission, goals, members, etc.). Identify areas of disconnects and areas for synchronization.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org11 HDL+ Targets Septemeber 1 Targets Each issue item should have an assigned owner. The owner must develop changes/proposed enhancement and obtain sub-committee approval. Donations should have been completed (analyzed, evaluated and voting completed). No new donation will be accepted after September. New donation should be complementary. > One competing donation will add 6/12 months to the schedule. A face to face meeting will be planned in San Jose.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org12 HDL+ Targets - Continued 1 December 2002 Target Language LRM (First Draft) for SystemVerilog. Owner is SV-EC. The SV-BC will collaborate on certain sections to be modified. C/C++ SystemVerilog LRM Draft. Owner is SV-CC. Assertion SystemVerilog LRM Draft. Owner is SV-AC. OVL 2.0 LRM Draft. Owner is OVL committee. HDL+ will organize the different LRM Drafts and ensure they are synchronized. > PSL (Sugar) synchronization as agreed by the chairs viewpoints.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org13 HDL+ Targets - Continued 2 February 15 Target: Final Fraft version sent to the Accellera Board.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org14 Synchronization - Understanding Basic SystemVerilog Assertion Requirements: SystemVerilog must increase the coverage of “embedded” assertions. (targeted for smart verification and smart synthesis). It must adhere to Verilog structure. It must provide both simulation and formal semantics. PSL Sugar: It has a rich semantics. Currently a subset is being implemented by EDA vendors. It can support Verilog, VHDL and other languages as an external interface User wish: One language.
Vassilios Gerousis June 20, 2002www.accellera.org15 Possibility Number One Formula One: Define a common set of Sugar and Vera-Assertion. The common set can be made as close as possible in terms of semantics and syntax. Both Sugar and SystemVerilog assertion must adhere to this new syntax and semantics. The common set must adhere to Verilog Rules of compatibility. Disadvantages: Two separate languages. Delays in releasing Sugar 1.0