How Would You React to a Major Hurricane ? Disaster Planning to Mitigate Impacts Hoot Gibson Terry Ebbert Bob McGough Patty Kuntz Bill Bozzo National Environmental Partnership Summit, New Orleans, May 8, 2007
Terminology Watch: Hurricane conditions possible within 36 hours Warning: Hurricane force winds are expected in 24 hours or less Hurricane Strength (Safford-Simpson Scale) Wetlands Surge Rule: Each 2.7 miles absorbs 1 foot of surge CatWind-mphSurge-ftDamage Unanchored mobile homes & trees Mobile homes, Structure roof, door, and window damage Some structural damage & curtain wall failure Some roof failures, extensive curtain wall failure 5>155>18Many roof failures, some complete building failures
4 PM CDT Tuesday Sustained Winds 35 MPH Katrina Builds, Nears Florida
4 AM CDT Wednesday Sustained Winds 35 MPH
Katrina Builds, Nears Florida 4 PM CDT Wednesday Sustained Winds 45 MPH
Katrina Builds, Nears Florida 4 AM CDT Thursday Sustained Winds 50 MPH
Katrina Builds, Nears Florida 4 PM CDT Thursday Sustained Winds 75 MPH (Cat 1)
Katrina Leaves Florida 4 AM CDT Friday Sustained Winds 75 MPH (Cat 1)
4 PM CDT Friday Sustained Winds 100 MPH (Cat 2) Katrina Track Moves West
10 PM CDT Friday Sustained Winds 105 MPH (Cat 2) Katrina Track Moves West
Katrina’s Energy Source
4 AM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 115 MPH (Cat 3) Katrina Track Moves West
Hurricane Watch Issued 10 AM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 115 MPH (Cat 3)
4 PM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 115 MPH (Cat 3) Hurricane Watch
Evacuation Considerations 1 million people in 38 hours
10 PM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 115 MPH (Cat 3) Hurricane Warning Issued
4 AM CDT Sunday Sustained Winds 145 MPH (Cat 4) Hurricane Warning
4 PM CDT Sunday Sustained Winds 165 MPH (Cat 5) Hurricane Warning
4 AM CDT Monday Sustained Winds 150 MPH (Cat 4) Katrina’s 1 st Gulf Landfall
10 AM CDT Monday Sustained Winds 125 MPH (Cat 3) Katrina’s 2 nd Gulf Landfall
4 PM CDT Monday Sustained Winds 75 MPH (Cat 1) Katrina Downgrades
Environmental Impact
Scale of Flooding
Tidal Surge Damages Tank Nearly 50 spills occur Spill Contaminates 2000 Homes Environmental Impact
Sociological Impact
Economic Impact
Post Katrina – Next 2 Weeks What are your: –Actions –Priorities –Challenges
Challenges: City of New Orleans Transportation/Sheltering Mission vs Compliance Risk Management vs Risk Avoidance –Mission vs Resources (Funding) –Pets, Guns, ADA Command and Control –Joint Field Office –Logistics/Push –Distribution of Assets
Rita Approaches 4 PM CDT Sunday Sustained Winds 40 MPH
Rita Approaches Gulf 4 PM CDT Monday Sustained Winds 70 MPH
Rita Approaches Gulf 4 PM CDT Tuesday Sustained Winds 100 MPH (Cat 2)
Hurricane Watch Issued 4 PM CDT Wednesday Sustained Winds 165 MPH (Cat 5)
Hurricane Watch 4 AM CDT Thursday Sustained Winds 175 MPH (Cat 5)
Hurricane Warning Issued 4 PM CDT Thursday Sustained Winds 145 MPH (Cat 4)
Hurricane Warning 4 PM CDT Friday Sustained Winds 125 MPH (Cat 3)
Rita’s Landfall 4 AM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 120 MPH (Cat 3)
Rita Downgrades 4 PM CDT Saturday Sustained Winds 50 MPH
Rita Impacts
Goals: City of New Orleans Create “Preference to Evacuate” –User friendly shelter plan –Better personal evacuation plans Improve Special Assistance –Medical special needs –Elderly and hospitals –Lack of transportation Enhance city security –Safety of city employees –Protection of equipment –Anti-looting
Conclusions Business Continuity Implications –Environmental –Economic –Social Planning and Practicing Second Guessing
New Orleans City Assisted Evacuation Plan Model Timeline Note: This is only to be used as a guideline. It is thought to be a reasonable timeline; however, in practice, there may be more or less time available depending on the circumstances of the actual event Launch CAEP; Dispatch buses and Security Make Ready EXECUTE CAEP Buses with last passengers leave city City Hunkers Down TS Winds Reach Coastal LA ~12 hrs prior to hurricane landfall State Phase 1: Evacuation of areas outside of any levee protection system State Phase 2: Evacuation of areas north of Intracoastal Canal & south/west of Interstate 10 and Mississippi River 84 State/Feds lean forward with Evacuation buses TSA/USDOT lean forward with packages RTA begins Airport runs from 2 Staging Centers State Phase 3: Evacuation of areas north/east of the Mississippi River and south of Interstate 12; State implements Contraflow; Mayor orders Mandatory Evacuation AMTRAK leans forward with railcars RTA begins pickups at 13 locations NOPD, LSP, LANG, OPCS lean forward w/ security 5072 MSY Shuts Down Last Amtrak Train leaves City RTA, MSY, NOMCVB activating hurricane plans PHASE DOWN CAEP Amtrak continues operations RTA ends pickups at 15 locations
Hospitals & Care Centers Hospitals and care centers will evacuate by pre-arranged transportation. DHH is managing this activity Belle Chasse Residences Needs Medical Resources (NMR) Senior Centers Special Needs Screening Louis Armstrong Airport (Confirmed Flights) Other City Airport Hub Evac Pick-up Location s People will relocate to the convention center from various RTA Pick-up locations throughout the city State or Regional Shelter Shelters will be opened in anticipation of receiving evacuees Morial C.C. The Morial Convention Center will be opened as an Evacuee Processing Center Homeland Security Command Cell will be activated Hotels Hotel Staging Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Security NOPD Nat. Guard Medical Unit Security and Medical will be put in place prior to registration operations Evacuee Processing Center (CERT) Processing teams will be sent in for registration AMTRAK Hotel Shuttle, Bus, Cab, Limo POV/CAB/Drop Off RTA Hotel guests will self-evacuate. Any remaining visitors will be processed through one of three Hotel Staging Centers and shuttled to airport. EVAC Bus RTA Union Passenger Terminal Evacuee Processing Center (CERT Registration) City Assisted Evacuation Plan RTA Shelter EVAC Bus Senior Citizens Rail Cars Special Needs Rail Cars Ambulance or Transport AMTRAK will prepare to evacuate senior citizens and people with special needs Shelter EVAC Bus Ambulance
Hospitals & Care Centers Hospitals and care centers will evacuate by pre-arranged transportation. DHH is managing this activity Belle Chasse Residences Needs Medical Resources (NMR) Senior Centers Special Needs Screening Louis Armstrong Airport (Confirmed Flights) Other City Airport Hub Evac Pick-up Location s People will relocate to the convention center from various RTA Pick-up locations throughout the city State or Regional Shelter Shelters will be opened in anticipation of receiving evacuees Morial C.C. The Morial Convention Center will be opened as an Evacuee Processing Center Homeland Security Command Cell will be activated Hotels Hotel Staging Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Security NOPD Nat. Guard Medical Unit Security and Medical will be put in place prior to registration operations Evacuee Processing Center (CERT) Processing teams will be sent in for registration AMTRAK Hotel Shuttle, Bus, Cab, Limo POV/CAB/Drop Off RTA Hotel guests will self-evacuate. Any remaining visitors will be processed through one of three Hotel Staging Centers and shuttled to airport. EVAC Bus RTA Union Passenger Terminal Evacuee Processing Center (CERT Registration) City Assisted Evacuation Plan RTA Shelter EVAC Bus Senior Citizens Rail Cars Special Needs Rail Cars Ambulance or Transport AMTRAK will prepare to evacuate senior citizens and people with special needs Shelter EVAC Bus Ambulance