1 Warm-up a (-3) b (-21) c (-7) d e. 2 +(-7) Complete the following problems. Be sure to write the answers in your notes. Get your checklist from my desk.
2 Math Subtract Integers
3 What Are You Learning? I CAN subtract integers.
4 Why Do You Need To Know This? Subtracting integers is useful because it helps in solving real world problems.
5 Vocabulary Zero pair—A positive number that is paired with a negative number.
6 Use counters to solve the following problems. a. 3 – (-2) b. 4 – 10 c. 6 – (-3) d. 5 – 8
7 Integer Song Sing to the tune of “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat” “Same sign, add and keep, Different sign subtract. Take the sign of the higher number, Then you’ll be exact.”
8 Subtract Integers To subtract an integer, add its opposite. 4 – 9 = 4 + (-9) = -5 2 – 5 = 2 + (-5) = -3 2 – (-5) = = 7 Same, Add, Opposite
9 Subtracting Positive Integers a. 8 – 13 b. -10 – 7 c. 2 – 15 d
10 Subtracting Negative Integers a. 1 – (-2) b. -10 – (-7) c. 4 – (-12) d. -15 – (-5)
11 Complete the following problems. a. -13 – 8 b. 12 – (-6) c. 21 – (-8)
12 Complete the following problems. a. -6 – (-2) b (-2) c. -4 – (-3) d. -8 – (-5) e. 4 – 8 f. -1 – 5 g. -2 – (-7) h. In January 1916 the temperature in Browning, Montana, fell 100 degrees overnight. The initial temperature was 44ºF. What was the final temperature?
13 Class Work Sheet E-61