Government Review Game
central government has all the power to make laws and decisions for the people. This is how power is distributed and laws are made. 1.Dictatorship 2. unitary 3.Autocratic 4. democratic
2. unitary
power to make laws and decisions for the people is shared between central government and states/ local government. This how power is distributed and laws are made. 1. autocratic 2. federal 3. unitary 4. parliamentary republic
2. Federal
individual states have the power to make their own laws and decisions and are loosely aligned to a weak central government. 1. confederation 2. federal 3. unitary 4. parliamentary republic
1. Confederation
a government system in which a country or nation is governed by a single person with unlimited power 1. oligarchic 2. democratic 3. autocratic 4. confederation
3. autocratic
A government system in which a few powerful (usually rich!) individuals rule. 1. democratic 2. autocratic 3. unitary 4. oligarchy
A government system that receives its power from the people. For the people of the people and by the people. 1. presidential 2. parliamentary 3. democratic 4. federation
3. democratic
republic whose leader of the nation is the Prime Minister and is appoint by the majority party in parliament 1. presidential 2. parliamentary republic 3. democratic 4. federation
2. parliamentary republic
the political party system in which there is only one political party and only one candidate to choose from for each government position. 1. one party system 2. multi party system 3. republic 4. autocratic
1. one party system
an autocratic government leadership : the government is controlled by a single leader 1. presidential 2. parliamentary republic 3. dictatorship 4. federation
3. dictatorship
economic and political system in which property (everything) is owned by the government and the government provides for the people. 1. presidential 2. communism 3. fascist dictatorship 4. parliamentary republic
2. communism
system in which people vote. It doesn’t mean it is a democracy because their could be only one choice on the ballot. 1. presidential 2. communism 3. one party system 4. republic
the leader and the system in which the people of a nation elect the leader. The leader is the head of the executive branch of the country. 1. presidential 2. communism 3. one party system 4. republic
1. presidential
The leader of the executive branch in a Parliamentary Republic. This person is appointed by the majority party in parliament. 1. presidential 2. communism 3. fascist dictatorship 4. prime minister
political system in which two or more parties exist 1. one party system 2. multi party system 3. republic 4. autocratic
2. multi party system