African Economic, Government, and Social Issues. Biggest African Economies  South Africa- 524 b  Egypt- 497.8 Ethiopia- 86.12b  Nigeria- 377.9 b Kenya-66.03.


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Presentation transcript:

African Economic, Government, and Social Issues

Biggest African Economies  South Africa- 524 b  Egypt Ethiopia b  Nigeria b Kenya b  Morocco b Bill Gates- 150b  Angola b  Tunisia- 100b  Libya b  South Africa- 524 b  Egypt Ethiopia b  Nigeria b Kenya b  Morocco b Bill Gates- 150b  Angola b  Tunisia- 100b  Libya b

Natural Resources- The Revenue Stream  D.R. Congo, Zambia- Copper  South Africa, D.R. Congo, Botswana- diamond, cobalt  Nigeria, Angola, Libya, Algeria, Gabon-Oil  Uganda-Fertile soil, Africa’s breadbasket   D.R. Congo, Zambia- Copper  South Africa, D.R. Congo, Botswana- diamond, cobalt  Nigeria, Angola, Libya, Algeria, Gabon-Oil  Uganda-Fertile soil, Africa’s breadbasket 

Economic Progression  Subsistence Farming  Slave Trade  Diamond and gold mining  Remove natural resources to feed European factories  Make land profitable with cash crops- cocoa, cotton, peanuts and coffee  Subsistence Farming  Slave Trade  Diamond and gold mining  Remove natural resources to feed European factories  Make land profitable with cash crops- cocoa, cotton, peanuts and coffee

Economic Progression  Europeans added infrastructure to aid economic growth  The Money Economy- pay taxes, cash crops vs. food, move labor to areas of need  African Socialism- Government owns and operates major businesses and controls other parts of the economy-food, housing, health care  Today most economies are mixed.  Europeans added infrastructure to aid economic growth  The Money Economy- pay taxes, cash crops vs. food, move labor to areas of need  African Socialism- Government owns and operates major businesses and controls other parts of the economy-food, housing, health care  Today most economies are mixed.

Economic Progression  Today- Encourage investment- Multinational corporations  Major Goal- build their own factories and reduce dependence on foreign imports.  Most African Governments want to limit cash leaving their countries  Develop agriculture  Today- Encourage investment- Multinational corporations  Major Goal- build their own factories and reduce dependence on foreign imports.  Most African Governments want to limit cash leaving their countries  Develop agriculture

Economic Progression  Growth of cities / population  Urbanization / Westernization  Debt Burden-African nations spend billions each year to repay old loans  Help from I.M.F. / U.N.  Wealthy nations will not lend because they fear they will not be paid back  Aids epidemic- 25 million have it. Not enough money to stop it  Growth of cities / population  Urbanization / Westernization  Debt Burden-African nations spend billions each year to repay old loans  Help from I.M.F. / U.N.  Wealthy nations will not lend because they fear they will not be paid back  Aids epidemic- 25 million have it. Not enough money to stop it

Building Governments  Pan-Africanism- Kwame Nkrumah / Ghana- The theory that all of Africa should be united like the U.S.- Tribalism works against this theory

Building Governments  Post Independence:  One Party Rule- Julius Nyerere, Tanzania- Goal-achieve democracy  Old fashioned cruel dictatorships  Military Rule- Nigeria  1980’s- democratization begins  Most stable democracies in Senegal, Uganda, Mozambique, Ghana, South Africa  Post Independence:  One Party Rule- Julius Nyerere, Tanzania- Goal-achieve democracy  Old fashioned cruel dictatorships  Military Rule- Nigeria  1980’s- democratization begins  Most stable democracies in Senegal, Uganda, Mozambique, Ghana, South Africa

African Religions  Islam / Koranic Schools  Animism- Traditional Beliefs  Christianity- Missionaries  Judaism- From Red Sea settlements  Islam / Koranic Schools  Animism- Traditional Beliefs  Christianity- Missionaries  Judaism- From Red Sea settlements

African Social Issues  Genocide- Rwanda- 800,000 Tutsi die in 1994 civil war  Uganda- Idi Amin slaughters 100,000  South Africa- Apartheid- Legal rigid separation of the races- white (Afrikaners), Blacks, Asians  Genocide- Rwanda- 800,000 Tutsi die in 1994 civil war  Uganda- Idi Amin slaughters 100,000  South Africa- Apartheid- Legal rigid separation of the races- white (Afrikaners), Blacks, Asians

Apartheid  Apartheid begins- Whites 16% / Blacks 70% / Asians 3% / Mixed 11%  Races strictly separated- Whites in charge-pass laws to control all non- whites  Non-whites could not vote  Restricted where they could live and work  Apartheid begins- Whites 16% / Blacks 70% / Asians 3% / Mixed 11%  Races strictly separated- Whites in charge-pass laws to control all non- whites  Non-whites could not vote  Restricted where they could live and work

Apartheid  Laws were passed to control movement-pass book. Tracked travel, residence and work location, tax payments and criminal record  Some blacks needed as labor for gold and diamond mines  4/5ths of mineral resources and fertile farm land was controlled by whites  Laws were passed to control movement-pass book. Tracked travel, residence and work location, tax payments and criminal record  Some blacks needed as labor for gold and diamond mines  4/5ths of mineral resources and fertile farm land was controlled by whites

Apartheid  Resistance by ANC, African National Congress and Nelson Mandela plus economic sanctions finally kill system but not before Sharpsville Massacre and Soweto riots