Progress for Target 10 in Africa present situation, challenges, gaps, and future outlook Alain MOREL, Sr Water and Sanitation Specialist WSP - Africa Nairobi, Kenya – AFRICITIES September 2006
2 Scale of the challenge for Africa 350 million more by million served ½ rural ½ towns/cities Double the number of people to be served by 2015
3 Manque d’AEP = Une dimension centrale de la pauvreté 51% 25% 68% 34% Where do we stand?
4 Diversity of the challenge in Africa Population in millions 50% in 5 largest Nigeria Ethiopia RDC South Africa Tanzania 75% in 13 largest + Kenya Sudan Uganda Ghana Mozambique Madagascar Cameroon Cote d'Ivoire 90% in 22 largest + Angola Burkina Faso Zimbabwe Mali Malawi Niger Senegal Zambia Rwanda
5 MDG Country Roadmap Principles Secure political will Identify and empower the governmental agency in charge of piloting the process Involve all stakeholders Support coalitions and partnerships to pilot and share responsibilities in implementing the action plan Link the roadmap to national budget planning process, i.e. PRSP, MTEF. Build on current programs and look for complementarities with other sectors (i.e. IWRM, health, environment, education, etc. )
6 3 crucial parameters to reach MDGs in Africa INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS ONGOING IN 39 COUNTRIES Governance improvement : NEPAD, PPP, domestic private sector, civil society, decentralization, regional integration Need to support and sustain reforms FINANCING SYSTEMS ARE FUNDAMENTAL Non viable financing mechanisms, strongly depending on external aid (>80%) New approach for development aid: more focused on poverty reduction; need to fix institutions before investment; debt cancellation, budget support; new financial resources MDGs financing strategy provides room for innovation CAPACITY IS KEY FOR PERFORMANCE Weakness of public sector, « providential » government Programmatic approach, decentralization, SME and DPS participation, et consumers et users consultation are the new opportunities for capacity development Opportunity to encourage programmatic approaches, and improve the use of private sector and consumers resources
7 Just Do It !!!