History of Advertising
Since the 1950’s they have discovered many interesting things about people. They say people can be sold on 3 of the following different levels.
1.Subconscious people can act without knowing why. Advertising at this level is subliminal and can be a matter of message or of process. Generally, the message form is legal; the process form can be illegal
2.Emotional people are not always, or even usually, rational beings. Advertising on this level caters to the longings, fear, desires, and prejudices of people. It does not have to be factual and reasonable
3.Intellectual advertising must, at this level, be factual and reasonable. We very rarely operate at this level
They began to combine color, sound, visuals, and message with out desires and needs and it becomes very difficult for us to not be affected by advertising.
Selling by association Present something universally appealing and associate a product with it. People then buy for the associated value. Under this heading comes the concept that “sex sells”. It also works for the “status seeker”
SELLING BY WORKING ON FEARS All people have secret fears, consciously or subconsciously. These include the dear of being sick, ugly, old, or unpopular. Promise a release and the product will sell – frequently used in cosmetics, soft drinks, and hair-care products.
Selling by creating needs New products frequently are not particularly necessary in our society, advertising sells one on the absolute necessity of having the product.
Selling that distorts the truth These ads do not lie, they deliver a message in some way that leads the viewer/listener to a conclusion that may not be the entire truth. This is often used in commercials for health- care products.
1.They must use the product 2. since they use it, it must be worthwhile. 3. image of a personality or word of authority to sell, not the merits of the product
Appealing to reason Not as frequently seen, these commercials treat the consumer as an intelligent person who can be sold on the basis of fact. These use honesty and frankness
May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. The name was a suggestion given by John Pemberton's bookkeeper Frank Robinson.
Being a bookkeeper, Frank Robinson also had excellent penmanship. It was he who first scripted “Coca-Cola" into the flowing letters which has become the famous logo of today. Sales for that first year added up to a total of about $50. The funny thing was that it cost John Pemberton over $70 in expanses, so the first year of sales were a loss.
IPOD Was invented on October 2001, offering songs in your pocket