Mass Media Influence on Today’s Society 1) The real mass media are basically trying to divert people. 2) Are you too influenced by TV? Depends. Can I ask the audience or go fifty fifty. 3) WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction): The Evildoer Sadam has a huge stockpile of lethal biological weapons and he’s comin’ to get you. 4) The press is owned by wealthy men who only want certain things to reach the public. 5) You write what your are told: We couldn’t control the people without you.
Discuss the following questions: 1. What kinds of mass media do you use most? 2. Do you think the quality of the news we get from newspapers, radio, TV, and the Internet is good? Why or why not? 3. Do you believe that technology helps us understand the world better than we used to? Why or why not? (Sanabria, K Academic Listening Encounters: Life in Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
1) Muslin sacked by Anorthosis 2) No expiry date on Cyprus talk. 3) Flooded villages evacuated in Greece. 4) Naomi Cambell to raise money for Haiti aid. 5) Resigned Ministers to stay in office until next week. 6) New Greek airline announces flights to Iraq. 7) Moral support but no money, EU says to Greece. 8) Cyprus against the Vikings. (Cynewslive, Cyprus Weekly, 18 th February 2010)