I have been off all week with laryngitis. Laryngitis is a virus which makes you lose your voice, so... Don’t make me shout today please... If you do, there will be serious consequences! Thank You!
The role of the mass media L/O: In what ways does the mass media influence perceptions of identity and social diversity? List as many forms of media as you can. In another colour explain how these forms influence citizens’ views
The media It is often a given that children will always take message about themselves, their culture and the world around them from different types of mass media. But what about adults?
Eastenders Eastenders Watch this clip and make notes on the range of messages given out including; Social diversity Personal identity Culture Society in general
Does the media have responsibilities in how it communicates with the public? Give examples to support your answer. What messages do you think the media should focus on? What publications/programmes would you ban if you could? Why?