1 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR The Measurement of sin2β (eff) in Loop-Dominated B Decays with B A B AR Andreas Höcker Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay ICHEP 2004 August , 2004, Beijing, China For the B A B AR Collaboration Preliminary analyses documented in upcoming B A B AR -CONF-04/33, 04/25, 04/40, 04/19,
2 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR The Quest for New Physics in B Decays Since the successful and precise measurement of sin2β in decays (in perfect agreement with the SM), considerable effort at B Factories towards the search for specific signs of New Physics (NP)…. WHY ? The gauge hierarchy Problem (Higgs sector, scale ~ 1 TeV) Baryogenesis (CKM CPV too small) The strong CP Problem (why is ~ 0 ?) Grand Unification of the gauge couplings... many more Note that: if NP contributes significantly to CPV in loop decays, we naturally expect it to be different among the modes averaging only useful in case of SM see, e.g., the instructive talk by Y. Grossman at LP’03: hep-ph/ Conflict between limits from flavor physics 1 TeV (e.g., K 0, D 0, B 0 mixing), and NP scale (1 TeV) NP cannot have a generic flavor structure Requires flavor suppression and/or generic suppression and/or alignment
3 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Confronting Loop Decays with Tree Dominance High virtual mass scales involved: believed to be sensitive to New Physics decays are tree and penguin diagrams, with equal dominant weak phases decays are pure “internal” and “flavor-singlet” penguin diagrams Both decays dominated by single weak phase Penguin: Tree: New Physics? 33 ?
4 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Bronze Silver Gold Penguin Olympia One may identify golden, silver and bronze-plated s-penguin modes: Color-suppressed tree Naive (dimensional) uncertainties on sin2 Note that within QCD Factorization these uncertainties are much smaller ! Color-suppressed tree
5 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR All Results are PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ! Definition of Time-dependent CP asymmetry observables: ~ 0 ~ – CP sin(2 ) for b ccs, sss and with: CP observables
6 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Highlights on Common Analysis Techniques Strong DIRC Particle ID to separate pions from kaons Event shape monomials (L 0,L 2 ), and B kinematics optimally combined in Multivariate Analyzer [MVA] (Neural Network (NN) or Fisher Discriminant) New NN-based B-flavor tagging with “Q” up to 30.6 % Unbinned maximum-likelihood fit using beam-energy-substituted B mass (m ES ), B-energy difference ( E), the resonance mass and decay angle, the MVA, and t Likelihood components are signal (correctly and misreconstructed), continuum background, charmed and charmless B-related backgrounds; as many likelihood-model parameters as possible are determined simultaneously from the fit to reduce systematic errors Tagging-performance parameters and t resolution parameters determined simultaneously from fit to fully reconstructed B decays to charm B A B AR - DIRC
7 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 K 0 ML fit finds 114 ± 12 signal events 227 10 6 B pairs 98 ± 18 signal events full background continuum bkg combined fit : Systematic errors dominated by opposite-CP background PDF modeling Tag-side CP violation sin2 0.9
8 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0/+ K 0/+ B 0 K S B 0 K L (statistical errors only) Complementary penguin mode: Fit finds 400 ± 23 signal events Significant direct CP violation would be hint for New Physics 227 10 6 B pairs
9 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 K + K – K S (I) 227 10 6 B pairs Excluding : dominant contribution (85%) of inclusive BR much more statistics than K S Unknown a priori CP content: CP-even fraction must be determined experimentally Angular moments analysis (main result): (statistical error only) and: Study [K + K – ] helicity angle distribution Average moments computed from sum of background-corrected signal weights, returned by ML fit (“sPlot” technique [Pivk-Le Diberder, physics/ ]) Isospin analysis (cross check) [ Belle, PRD 69, (2004)]
10 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 K + K – K S (II) Fit finds 452 ± 28 signal events (excluding K S events) Results from CP fit ML fit: Systematic errors dominated by Fit bias Tag-side CP Violation CP content sin2 0.7 use C=0:
11 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR No CPV found in control sample Analysis of B 0 ’ K S Large statistics mode:, we exploit: Reconstruct in multiple final states: ’ + –, 0 and , + – 0 and K S + –, 0 0 Fit finds 819 ± 38 events ML fit : Systematic errors dominated by: Fit bias (MC statistics) 227 10 6 B pairs sin2 3.0 3.0
12 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 f 0 K S New, silver-plated s-penguin mode with 209 10 6 B pairs [BABAR, hep-ex/ ] Requires thorough estimate of CP dilution due to interference in B 0 + – K S Dalitz plot ML fit : Systematic errors dominated by Fit bias & interference with other modes 2.3 Fit finds 152 ± 19 events sin2 0.6
13 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 0 K S (I) Challenging vertexing ( t ) due to lifetime of K S : require at least 4 SVT hits (~60% of events) for t measurement determine t from global fit to entire decay tree (use E beam, IP (+2 B )-constraint) keep remaining “no- t ”events for direct CPV measurement 227 10 6 B pairs Replace E and m ES by: and reduced correlation, improved resolution (m miss ) mass-constrained Fit finds 300 ± 23 events
14 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Analysis of B 0 0 K S (II) sPlot ML fit : Systematic errors dominated by Background tagging asymmetry SVT alignment, vertexing No bias in control sample decays without using J / -decay tracks for vertexing ~ SM physical limit 11 22 33 sin2 1.3
15 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR sin2 (and related direct-CP ) Results from B A B AR s-penguin average at 2.7 from sin2 [cc] (B A B AR only) no indication for direct CP violation
16 ICHEP’04, Beijing, Aug 16-22, 2004 A. Höcker – sin2 in Loop-Dominated Decays with B A B AR Conclusion B A B AR has new sin2 (eff) results for all s-penguin analyses, most using 227 10 6 B pairs The significant decrease in the statistical errors begins to provide precision measurements of CP violation in loop processes The “Stamodometer” indicates for the different modes: s-penguins Introduced and observed new silver-plated s-penguin mode Sophisticated vertexing allows time-dependent measurement of CPV in... and overall: