Corial 200RL
COSMA Software with: Edit menu for process recipe edition, Adjust menu for process optimizing, Maintenance menus for complete equipment control via internet with VPN (Virtual Private Network). CORS Software for: Data reprocessing (Measures and data comparison). Equipment Control & Software
A Tool Organized in Successive Levels Actions Constructor LotsActions Process Closed-loop Server for GUI COSMA Supervisor Embedded control PU Embedded control function COSMA Controller Process Controller Device Controllers Physical devices Operator Remote GUI PC User Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring
Diagram Modes Diagram Modes Stand-byMode Step by step Mode ProductionMode OptimizationMode ConstructorMode Shut down Mode Normal Errors Operator Production Maintenance Constructor
A Communicant Tool COSMA Supervisor COSMAGUI Customer Ethernet Network Process Control Unit (1) Process Control Unit (2) Device Control (1) Ethernet Device Control (2) Ethernet WANVPNADSL Fix IP Firewall Dedicated Ethernet network
SystemLoad-lock RF Generator Electronic Control TMP Control RIE Reactor HT/BT Power Supplies
Pumping System TMP TV Reactor Dry Pump ADP 122 Load-Lock Valve Load-lock Gate valve for quick reactor venting and cleaning
Reactive Ion Etching source designed to operate with a wide working pressure range (10 to 200 mT), The large cathode size enables batch etching of up to three 3” wafers or up to one Ø150 mm wafer, Shuttles for loading and to enable etching of different sizes and numbers of wafers, Helium assisted heat exchange between cathode, shuttle with mechanical clamping to maintain shuttle temperature below 50°C during etching. Reactor Features
Loading Cathode Loading tool Shuttle
Loading Cathode Shuttle
Clamping Cathode Shuttle
Cooling Cathode Shuttle Helium
Etching Cathode Shuttle Helium PLASMA
End of Etching Loading tool Cathode Shuttle
Unloading Cathode Shuttle
Unloading Shuttle Cathode
Aluminum etching requirements: High etch rates and anisotropic profiles, Aluminium etch rate : 250 nm/min, After the aluminium etching phase, a passivation step avoids corrosion due to AlCl3 trapped on the side walls during aluminium etching, No damage after a week long moisture exposure test at atmospheric pressure. ALUMINUM ETCHING
Process Specifications For Aluminum Etching Guaranteed Process Results PROCESS Etch Rate (nm/min) Uniformity of Etch Rate Selectivity against PR Profile RIE of Al with PR mask 250±5%2.5 85° to 90° RIE of Al/2%Cu with PR mask 200±5%2 85° to 90°
End of etching can be monitored using a CCD camera with magnification > 120 X and a laser beam diameter ≤ 20 m. The laser spot is located with a precise XY stage on the area to etch. When the substrate is exposed the system detects automatically the change in reflectivity. Precise Monitoring
Photodiode Laser Endpoint Detection Laser beam Photoresist Quartz Reflected beam When laser beam reaches the substrate, the signal level drops. This change enables automatic endpoint detection.
Trimming Specifications: Uniformity of etching on 4” wafers ≤ ± 0,5%. Uniformity of shift in frequency on packaged devices: ≤ ± 5 KHz for a 120 KHz. Shift. TRIMMING Process accuracy: Low etch etch rate, Linear relationship between RF power and etch rate.
Reactive Ion Etching source which produces a uniform plasma in a wide range of working pressure (10 to 200 mT) for fast etching of Al and Al/2%Cu on up to 150 mm wafers, Helium assisted heat exchange to control shuttle temperature, Al Plasma passivation step provided with the process, Pumping system with gate valve for quick reactor maintenance, Laser endpoint with high magnification and small laser spot (25 µm) for precise process monitoring, Possibility of SAW devices trimming using a dedicated shuttle. Recap of Corial 200RL Features