“A new survey commissioned for the annual Edinburgh International TV Festival reports that: Source: WARC – quoting a 2009 UK survey by Deloittes and online research firm YouGov TV advertising is up to three times as effective as any other medium.”
TV ADVERTISING IS THE MOST LIKELY TO TRANSLATE INTO A SALE More people will actually buy something after seeing a TV ad than any other media Source: Nielsen Media Q – Q2 2009, question is asked of all respondents have used that media in the last 7 days
TV ADVERTISING CREATES ACTION TV Advertising creates action on a multitude of levels Source: Nielsen Media Q – Q2 2009, question is asked of all respondents have used that media in the last 7 days
TV MOST POPULAR MEDIA, INTERNET OVER TAKES NEWSPAPERS Television remains the most accessible media, with 98% of the population having watched TV within a week Growing in strength is Internet, which now has more users within a week than Daily Papers Source: Nielsen Media Q – Q2 2009, question is asked of all respondents have used that media in the last 7 days
OPPORTUNITY TO SEE? – RECALL? Media metrics can only measure the opportunity to see – they don’t measure the creative take out Ask yourself… What is your favourite Radio Ad? Newspaper ad? Magazine ad? TV ad? Most people when asked will think of a lot more TV ads than any other media TV is more memorable and is remembered longer as it combines both visual and audio
TV REACHES MORE PEOPLE THAN NEWSPAPERS TV delivers consistently higher levels of reach than newspapers, across ALL age groups Source: Newspapers; Nielsen Media Q – Q2 2009, any daily paper all 6 publishing days selected, TV; AGB NMR, WC 27 September 2009