0 UN Energy Access Facility (UN-EAF) Expanding access to modern and clean energy services for the poor “beyond the grid” 0
1 ) Objective Expand access to modern, clean energy services for the poor living “beyond the grid” to reduce poverty, empower women and accelerate progress on the MDGs.
2 ) Focus – COUNTRY LEVEL Drive in-country dialogue, coordination, planning for universal energy access (linked to the Global Campaign) Scale up “field-proven” decentralized energy solutions (cum business models). Capacity development – Institutions and individuals Promote productive uses of energy Knowledge: “Connect the dots”
3 Capacity development matters ---Key to Scale up Micro-hydro in Nepal: Programme cost per kW between 1998 and $10,000 $20, Cost per kW (US$) Capacity development costs Hardware costs
4 Modalities Joint programme(s) under UN Resident Coordinator Coordinated, demand driven technical support by UN organisations Funding through a UN Multi Donor Trust Fund: A single channel that eliminates multiple agreements by projects or agencies Aggregate reporting of results (in support of the “global universal energy access action plan”) Proven track records & transparency (UN-MDTF Office manages over 30 MDTFs worth US$ 4 billion currently, e.g. UN-REDD)
5 ) Targets Additional 100 million people gaining energy access during Initial grant funding target: US$ 100 million for In about 10~20 countries: o National action plans for universal energy access o Scaling up decentralised field- proven solutions
6 ) Some Governance elements Policy board composed of donors, reps from programme countries, and UN. Advisory group drawing from AGECC and others. Joint Technical Secretariat: UNDP, UNEP and UNIDO
7 Next steps Aligning UN-EAF to the Global Campaign Technical session this afternoon). Resource mobilization Launch and Implementation in time for the launch of the Global Campaign (3 rd /4 th Q 2011) 7
8 “Implementation is the chariot of genius” Thank you 8