© 2002 IBM Corporation IBM Research SC 25/WG 1 Chitose IBM Research Ron Ambrosio 1 GridWise U.S. Department of Energy SC 25/WG 1 Chitose Meeting June 23, 2004
IBM Research Global Technology Outlook 2004 © 2003 IBM Corporation IBM Research GridWise – June 23, 2004Ron Ambrosio SC 25/WG 1 Chitose 2 2 GridWise Initiative Bringing the Electricity System into the Information Age Multiple related government and industry activities GridWise DoE program Under Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution (OETD) GridWise Alliance industry consortium Approximately 20 members as of Spring 2004 GridWise Architecture Board DoE advisory panel of experts from various industry segments U.S. DoE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, IBM, and several other international companies cooperated on the definition and creation of GridWise over the last 4 years Key launch milestone was a DoE / GridWise Alliance MOU signing ceremony at the U.S. Senate office building in March, 2004
FACT: In the next 20 years, the U.S. will spend $450B on electric infrastructure, just to meet demand. GridWise 1 st Law: E ≡ MC 2 Markets + Communications + Control ≡ Electric infrastructure CHOICE: Perpetuate a 20th Century solution, OR Invest in a 21st Century GridWise system saving ratepayers $80B and increasing reliability. GridWise 2nd Law: The choice is easy because… $ bits << $ iron : The Virtual Electric Infrastructure
IBM Research Global Technology Outlook 2004 © 2003 IBM Corporation IBM Research GridWise – June 23, 2004Ron Ambrosio SC 25/WG 1 Chitose 4 4 Aggregators Appliances, Equipment, Processes Gen, T, & D Suppliers Emergency Operations Distribution Linemen Customer Energy Service Co.s, Vendors, Utility Programs capacity, avail- ability, price, forecast, contract terms, DG incentives power require- ments, forecasts, status, curtailment audit results, retrofit opportunities, designs, costs, terms & conditions voltage, DG/storag e status grid status level, power/ end-use rations billing, info access, attractive contracts, approvals, occupancy, performance Residential Perspective of a GridWise World
IBM Research Global Technology Outlook 2004 © 2003 IBM Corporation IBM Research GridWise – June 23, 2004Ron Ambrosio SC 25/WG 1 Chitose 5 5 GenCo Distribution Utility Appliances, Equipment, Processes Forecast long-term loads Localized Retail Markets ISO/RTO Customer Operations Congestion Load data Long-term fixed/ spot/TOD prices, demand response, DG prices Planning Capacity upgrade costs Capacity trading Real-time loads, direct curtailment, DG dispatch Electric Utility Perspective of a GridWise World
IBM Research Global Technology Outlook 2004 © 2003 IBM Corporation IBM Research GridWise – June 23, 2004Ron Ambrosio SC 25/WG 1 Chitose 6 6 Contact Ron Ambrosio Manager, Internet-scale Control Systems Research Relationship Manager, IBM Global Energy & Utilities Industry Ron IBM T.J. Watson Research Center P.O. Box Kitchawan Rd. / Route 134 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598