February 28-March 1, 2003
Goals of the Program To foster relationships between young women leaders To discover resources that promote understanding and peace To examine the role of faith in today’s society To develop a deeper understanding of multiple faith traditions
The Dialogue Process Stage one: Unlearn misinformation about one another Stage two: Begin to discern values in the partner’s tradition Stage three: Building on trust we begin to explore new insights-- of reality, of meaning and of truth
The Dialogue Process Conversations about life Conversations about Content Conversations about Need Spiritual Conversations
Program Content Explore the fundamentals of Islam and Catholicism Address challenges faced by living faith-filled lives. Discuss the life and teachings of Muhammad and Jesus Witness to different models of women’s leadership Visit Masjid al-Noor and the Church of Loretto View special screening of films about interfaith dialogue Develop the next steps for future dialogues
Participants: 19 Catholic Women 24 Muslim Women 24 Muslim Women Saint Mary’s College Area Catholic High Schools, Area Catholic High Schools, Parishes and Organizations Parishes and Organizations Universal School, Bridgeview, IL Universal School, Bridgeview, IL Islamic School Kansas City Islamic School Kansas City DePaul University DePaul UniversityFacilitators: Sr. Marianne, Pat AbuGharbieh, Karen Danielson Presentors: Dr. Asma Afsaruddin, Judy Fean, Karen Danielson, Sr. Kathleen Dolphin Imam Surajuddin, Imam A. Rashied Omar, and Sana Uddin
Our Precepts for Listening We will demonstrate a sincere interest in understanding each other. We will respect differences and celebrate similarities We will be considerate of each other’s feelings We will give everyone a chance to speak We will not judge based on previous stereotypes We will cultivate openness to all ideas We will not debate about whose religion is correct We will not ask anyone to be an expert for his or her faith tradition
What do Muslims Believe? Presentations by: Dr. Asma Afsrauddin Imam Sirajuddin Dr. Rashied Omar Masjid al-Noor Community
What do Catholic Believe? Presentations by: Judy Fean Fr. Jeff Cooper Sisters of the Holy Cross Visitation of the Church of Loretto
Jesus and Muhammad Teacher and Model Mrs. Karen Danielson Muhammad as the Model of Piety Sr. Kathleen Dolphin Jesus as Model of Compassion
Interfaith Films On Common Grounds Directed and Produced by Ahmad Zahra What do you Believe? Directed and Produced by Sarah Feinbloom Sarah Feinbloom
Listening Circles Listening Circles Fruits of our conversation: Reflected on the need for an intrinsic motivation for interfaith dialogue. Recognized a common “jihad” the struggle to be authentic—and the challenges faced in school, home and in society. Areas of possible convergence: Culture and Religion Life of Worship Importance of one’s heritage— “roots” Common struggles for authentic and faith-filled lifestyle—as students—as women Questions about marriage and family Role of the person in society and nation Prophets
Next Steps Have yearly gatherings More interactive with workshops Student Planners Develop an “e-group” Visit each other’s campuses Cooperate in a community service project Investigate Social Justice Teachings
Living as Women of Faith