A Unique Time for the Region Leading the Way with Energy and Education A presentation by eNotus International for the MENA OECD Business Council Meeting Paris - May 26, 2010
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 2 Abu Dhabi The right time and place for connecting the economies of Africa, Asia and Europe into a super continent.
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 3 The Depth of the Challenge Knowledge economies first require informational infrastructure The knowledge flows & understanding follow Centers of excellence and issues networks can be rapidly generated Flagship Projects, i.e. Masdar
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 4 MENA or MENASA? The planet will not run out of energy and here lies the problem.
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 5 The Need for Sustainable Energy "Energy is central to achieving sustainable development goals. Some two billion people have no access to modern energy services. The challenge lies in finding ways to reconcile this necessity and demand for energy with its impact on the natural resource base in order to ensure that sustainable development goals are realized.”
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 6 Energy will be Essential for the Transition to the Knowledge Economy Centers of Excellence for future research into the big issues are required and these can be established in the region.
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 7 Initiatives
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 8 Masdar City Rely entirely on solar & renewable energy Among the first construction projects will be a 40 to 60 MW solar power plant Sustainable, zero-carbon, zero-waste ecology A solar-powered desalination plant will be used to provide the city's water needs Home to 45,000 to 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses Automobiles will be banned within the city; travel will be accomplished via public mass transit and personal rapid transit systems Project partners include Consensus Business Group, Credit Suisse and Siemens Venture Capital
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 9 Martti Ahtisaari Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2008 “Providing youth with education, training and purpose may be the most important single issue facing us all, and in no place is this more important than the Middle East”
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 10 Dr Ahmad Zuwail MENA’s contribution to scientific research and exports is marginal World’s concern lies with space and genome sciences, not agriculture and manufacturing Civilizations take a long time to build, but they can collapse fast, especially when there is no right vision, education and media Some MENA countries still suffer from high illiteracy rates of between 30 to 50% The MENA region imitates, rather than adopt modern technologies MENA has to participate in building a scientific and technological base through education
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 11 The Dramatic Disparity of Global Education: MENA’s Challenge & Opportunity
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 12 eNotus and U.A.E. Proposals underway with Abu Dhabi in setting up The International Trade & Development University Contribute to tomorrow’s knowledge infrastructure Research University focusing on the region and the internationalization of knowledge
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 13 Proposed Initial Faculties
May 26, 2010eNotus International MENA OECD Business Council Meeting 14 eNotus and U. A. E. Scientific, Technological and Education engine Related to pressing regional and global issues Capacity Building for the UAE & MENA ITDU might raise energy, environment and climate change issues New technologies - ITY, bio and nano technologies