COPY – Day 10 sports captions
THINGS TO REMEMBER A well-written caption provides the context for a picture by answering the who, what, when, where, why and how. Caption writing involves interviewing, prewriting, drafting, rewriting and editing.
CAPTION WRITING TIPS Check the type of caption that is used in your section (such as sentence or expanded). Include the following: The play’s outcome (when appropriate) The names of all players from all teams in the photo Uniform or jersey numbers in parentheses for all players • If you do not have organized sports, cover sports clubs and individual sports.
SPORTS CAPTION EXAMPLE SPORTS CAPTION EXAMPLE DIVIDE & CONQUER. Before a match against St. Thomas Aquinas, senior Parker Johnson practices his serves. Since the team grew to 47 members from 20, the players were split into two practice areas. “Aquinas hadn’t showed up yet, so we were just messing around,” Johnson said. “We went undefeated against Aquinas, not losing a single match.”
How did the writer capture the history & memories Talk to the Coaches, the Athletes and the Spectators.
IT’S AS EASY AS A, B, C In your groups, write a caption using the following format: A. ACTION LEAD-IN: B. BASIC INFORMATION: C. COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: QUOTE:
CAPTION WRITING Who: Juniors Taylor Reed (159) and Alexa Becher (165) CAPTION WRITING Who: Juniors Taylor Reed (159) and Alexa Becher (165) What: the Brenham Hillacious Invitational; Reed finished 19th overall with a time of13:30.32; Becher finished 21st with a time of 13:40.74 When: Saturday, September 21, 2013; 10 AM (delayed two hours because of storm) Where: Henderson Park’s hilly course in Brenham, TX Why: to be one of the seven qualifiers to advance to district competition How: running in mud Quote: “It was my favorite race because the challenge of running up hills in mud was different and exciting,” Reed said.
check your caption and rewrite it if necessary. IT’S AS EASY AS A, B, C Using this checklist, check your caption and rewrite it if necessary. 1. First sentence of the caption is written in present tense. 2. Second and third sentences are written in past tense. 3. The captions indicate when and where the action is taking place. 4. The following words are NOT used: • MANY • SEVERAL • A LOT • SUCCESS/SUCCESSFUL • DEDICATED • SOME • DILIGENTLY 5. The captions DO NOT make reference to the future of next year's team. 6. In sports captions, the outcome of the play is given. 7. The caption has an attention-getting lead. 8. Captions thoroughly explain the action shown in the photograph.
head for the hills Focusing on finishing, juniors Taylor Reed and Alexa Becher summit a very muddy hill in the Brenham Hillacious Invitational. It stormed earlier that morning, delaying the race and making the course soggy and harder to compete on. “It was my favorite race because the challenge of running in mud was different and exciting,” Reed said. Photo courtesy of Vicki Bevans.
CAPTION WRITING TIPS You’re curious. You’re intelligent. CAPTION WRITING TIPS Who: Senior receiver Connor Fuentes (25) What: conference game against Denton Ryan When: Friday, October 25, 2013; Where: Memorial Stadium, McKinney, TX You’re curious. You’re intelligent. What do you want to know?
CAPTION WRITING Why: strive for personal best and a win CAPTION WRITING Why: strive for personal best and a win How: 13-yard reception; breaks a tackle and runs for another seven yards; received for 96 yards Quote: “That was my longest reception of the night, and it was big because it was third down,” Connor said. “I’m just glad I could get us out of that.”
CAPTION WRITING On the Run CAPTION WRITING On the Run On a 13-yard reception in the second quarter against Denton Ryan, senior receiver Connor Fuentes breaks a tackle and runs for another seven yards before being taken down. Connor totaled 96 yards in receptions. “That was my longest reception of the night, and it was big because it was a third down,” Connor said. “I’m just glad I could get us out of that.”
Team & Club group idents CAPTION TIPS Team & Club group idents Identify the group Start from the front row and work left to right Label each row as front row, second row,… back row Identify people with special titles by placing the title in parenthesis after the person’s name Example: JV Baseball: Front Row- John Davis (coach), Matt James; Second Row- Ferris McKinzey, Tim Marks, J.J. Timmons; Back Row- Hal Dims, Corey Gulickson. Note the use of bold face for club name, italics for the row designations
PHOTO CREDITS Photos may have photo credits photo by Justin Black photo by Justin Black With a time-out on their hands, senior cheerleaders Jessica Rehms and Carrie Smythe make fish faces. The team was ahead in the fourth quarter. “This was our tradition to taunt the freshmen,” Smythe said. “Luckily, no one in the stands could see or hear us.” photo by Justin Black Photos may have photo credits Choose one style and stick with it!
PHOTO CREDITS Placement styles: photo by Justin Black photo by Justin Black With a time-out on their hands, senior cheerleaders Jessica Rehms and Carrie Smythe make fish faces. The team was ahead in the fourth quarter. “This was our tradition to taunt the freshmen,” Smythe said. “Luckily, no one in the stands could see or hear us.” photo by Justin Black Placement styles: On the right side of the photo flowing from the bottom edge of the photo up in italics At the end of the caption in italics Under the photo aligned with the right edge in italics