Content of the presentation Meeting rationale Expected outputs Background and introduction Agenda 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 2
Meeting rationale Growing body of experience (since the emergence of FAAP) Evolving context Programming cycles (of donors and of African organisations) are coming to a turning point (in a cumulative way?) Need for collective reflection for future action (short term and long term) 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 3
Expected outputs Raised awareness of the role of African organisations Deepened understanding of challenges and opportunities Recommendations (to development partners, but also to African organisations, principle of mutual accountability) 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 4
Background Global context CAADP Pillar IV African organisations 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 5
Key issues Funding Role of African Organisations Monitoring & Evaluation 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 6
Funding FAAP projections (2006) Actual level of funding (2009) Funding volatility (and predictability) Donor coordination and pooled funding / MDTF (issues) Programmatic funding / time bound activities 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 7
Role of African organisations FARA and FARA Secretariat (accountability) Principle of subsidiarity (what is the experience so far?) The “newcomers” not so new: advisory services and capacity development (tertiary education and beyond) Stakeholder organisations’ role in the Pillar IV Theory of Change (farmers organisations, private sector, civil Society, etc.) 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 8
Monitoring & Evaluation FAAP (indicative indicators) M&E at the level of individual organisations Need for a Pillar IV M&E framework (and collective work) 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 9
Agenda of the meeting DAY 1 setting the scene, share experiences, lessons learned, and future perspectives DAY 2 looking into the future: challenges and opportunities DAY 3 the way forward 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 10
DAY 1 Presentations in plenary (African Organisations and Development Partners) Highlight on impact: the case of the Sub- Saharan Africa Challenge Programme General debate 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 11
DAY 2 Parallel sessions: Thematic work groups Bilateral meetings Internal consultations 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 12
DAY 2 Thematic work groups: 1. Funding mechanisms (programmatic and project funding, pooled and bilateral funding, competitive grant schemes, regional projects, etc.) 2. Monitoring & Evaluation (current practices and approaches, future perspectives) 3. Roles of continental and sub-regional organisations (principle of subsidiarity; networking functions; support to national organisations and to AUC/NEPAD) 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 13
DAY 2 Bilateral meetings: 1. FARA 2. AFAAS 3. CORAF 4. ASARECA 5. CCARDESA 6. ANAFE/RUFORUM 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 14
DAY 2 Internal consultations: 1. DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS 2. AFRICAN ORGANISATIONS 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 15
DAY 3 Reports from breakout sessions Wrap-up and way forward Closure Launch Presentation of the Montpellier Panel Report: Growth with resilience – opportunities for African Agriculture in /03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 16
Recommendations informal meeting space for interaction identify key issues, challenges and opportunities identify priorities, key steps, actions to be carried out in the immediate future and in the longer term 20/03/12Informal Stakeholder Consultation 17