How did Wilhemine Germany’s political landscape impact Germany? C/B (Hamid, Guled, Roua) – to explain the political landscape and identify threads of power and how this impacted Germany B (Kelsea)- to explain how the political landscape and constitution impacted Germany B/A (Assay) - to explain different interpretations of how the political landscape and constitution this impacted Germany A (Legjende, Timur, Dina) - to explain different interpretations of how the political landscape and constitution this impacted Germany and which one is correct How did the Wilhemine constitution impact Germany? A level note-taking.
Social Groups Junkers Industrial bourgeoisie Middle classes Mittlestand Working classes How is political power distributed?
Ideologies – define these pp. Socialism Nationalism Anti-Semitism Social Darwinism How is political power distributed?
Political Parties What does this table show you about the distribution of power across the political parties across the period?
Political Parties Conservatives – German Conservative Party, Free Conservative Party Liberals – National Liberal Party Centre Party Social Democrats – German Free Thought Party, SPD How is political power distributed?
Pressure Groups German colonial league Define Pressure Groups. Sort these into similar groups. What would you call these groups? Economic Lobby Groups Nationalist Organisations Politically affiliated groups Single-issue campaigns How is political power distributed?
Which social group would have supported which ideology, which political party and which pressure group? Conservatives – German Conservative Party, Free Conservative Party Liberals – National Liberal Party Centre Party Social Democrats – German Free Thought Party, SPD Socialism Nationalism Anti-Semitism Social Darwinism Junkers Industrial bourgeoisie Middle classes Mittlestand Working classes
Sort these into parties, ideologies and social groups. Draw a diagram linking them together entitled ‘Who ran Germany?’ This is showing the political landscape NOT the constitution. Make sure you have the most powerful groups at the top. Centre Party Conservatives – German Conservative Party, Free Conservative Party Socialism Nationalism Liberals – National Liberal Party Middle classes Economic Lobby Groups Nationalist Organisations Social Darwinism Social Democrats – German Free Thought Party, SPD Mittlestand Politically affiliated groups Anti-Semitism Junkers Working classes Industrial bourgeoisie Single-issue campaigns How is political power distributed?
Who ran Germany? P. 32 diagram – how does your diagram compare? How is it different? Why is it different? Why is your diagram better?
Role of Kaiser Wilhelm II – Did Kaiser Wilhelm II have a great impact on the political system in the Second Reich? – Did Kaiser Wilhelm II fundamentally undermine democracy in the Second Reich?
The army
Segliman and McLean – Probably the most balance d view comes from Wolfgang Mommsen: his appraisal of it as a ‘semi-constitutional system with supplementary party- political features’ has a lot to recommend it. It is generally agreed that, with its various disparate elements and conflicting authorities, even skilled hands found the political system of the Second Reich difficult to control. Consequently, if ever its management should be entrusted to those with only mediocre ability, the potential existed for polycratic chaos. Ultimately, this was to be its undoing. – All - What are the key features that Segliman and McLean identify in the political system of Wilhemine Germany? (political system = constitution + political landscape) – Most - What evidence is their to support these key features they have identified? – As and Bs - Can you challenge the key features they have identified?
Segliman and McLean – Probably the most balance d view comes from Wolfgang Mommsen: his appraisal of it as a ‘semi-constitutional system with supplementary party-political features’ has a lot to recommend it. It is generally agreed that, with its various disparate elements and conflicting authorities, even skilled hands found the political system of the Second Reich difficult to control. Consequently, if ever its management should be entrusted to those with only mediocre ability, the potential existed for polycratic chaos. Ultimately, this was to be its undoing. – Other historians argue that the political system was extremely autocratic and stable. Others that it was democratic and fairly stable.
How did Wilhemine Germany’s political landscape impact Germany? (Hamid, Guled, Roua - explain the political landscape, identify threads of power and explain how this impacted Germany (Kelsea)- explain how the political landscape and constitution impacted Germany (Assay) - explain different interpretations of how the political landscape and constitution impacted Germany (Legjende, Timur, Dina) - to explain different interpretations of how the political landscape and constitution impacted Germany and which one is correct
How did the Wilhemine Germany’s political landscape impact Germany?
Homework - due Thursday Read pp green book and pp – What key economic changes were there in Wilhemine Germany? – How would these impact the political system?